de的的possessive, adjectival suffix
yuàn愿愿desire, want; wish; ambition
shì是是indeed, yes, right; to be;demonstrative pronoun, this, that
李李plum; judge; surname
不不no, not; un-; negative prefix
底底bottom, underneath, underside
我我our, us, i, me, my, we
yuē约约treaty, agreement, covenant
一一one; a, an; alone
xióng雄雄male of species; hero; manly
yǒu有有have, own, possess; exist
课课lesson; course; classwork
大大big, great, vast, large, high
答答answer, reply; return; assent to
zài在在be at, in, on; consist in, rest
lìng令令command, order; 'commandant',magistrate; allow, cause
rén人人man; people; mankind; someoneelse
shēn深深deep; depth; far; very, extreme
liǎo了了to finish; particle of completedaction
piào票票slip of paper or bamboo; ticket
zhōng中中central; center, middle; in themidst of; hit (target); attain
达达arrive at, reach; intelligent
dào到到go to, arrive, been to
yǎn演演perform, put on; exercise
资资property; wealth; capital
zǎo早早early; soon; morning
yào要要necessary, essential; necessity
mài卖卖sell; betray; show off
可可may, can, -able; possibly
bàng棒棒stick, club, truncheon; hit
以以by means of; thereby, therefore;consider as; in order to
gòu够够enough, adequate
zhè这这this, the, here
hēi黑黑black; dark; evil, sinister
个个numerary adjunct, piece; single
yuàn院院courtyard, yard, court; school
你你you, second person pronoun
jiǎ假假falsehood, deception; vacation
huì会会to assemble, meet together; ameeting; an organization
曲曲crooked, bent; wrong, false
hǎo好好good, excellent, fine; well
huǒ火火fire, flame; burn; anger, rage
wèi为为do, handle, govern, act; be
zhǔn准准rule, guideline, standard
shàng上上top; superior, highest; go up,send up
bǎi百百one hundred; numerous, many
lái来来come, coming; return, returning
tán谈谈talk; conversation; surname
jiù就就just, simply; to come, go to; toapproach, near
shèng胜胜victory; excel, be better than
xué学学learning, knowledge; school
dié碟碟small dish, plate
jiāo交交mix; intersect; exchange,communicate; deliver
shù术术art, skill, special feat;method, technique
也也also; classical final particleof strong affirmation or identity
tuī推推push, expel; push forward
yòng用用use, employ, apply, operate; use
cún存存exist, live, be; survive; remain
néng能能to be able; can, permitted to;ability
zhì治治govern, regulate, administer
如如if, supposing; as if; like, as
离离leave, depart; go away; separate
wén文文literature, culture, writing
易易change; easy
shí时时time, season; era, age, period
wǎng往往go, depart; past, formerly
méi没没not, have not, none; to drown,sink
kuàng况况condition, situation;furthermore
wǎn晚晚night, evening; late
他他other, another; he, she, it
shì示示show, manifest; demonstrate
kàn看看look, see; examine, scrutinize
zhèng证证proof, evidence; testify, verify
提提hold in hand; lift in hand
duàn段段section, piece, division
那那that, that one, those
dǎo导导direct, guide, lead, conduct
wèn问问ask (about), inquire after
shāng伤伤wound, injury; fall ill from
shēng生生life, living, lifetime; birth
diào调调transfer, move, change; tune
guò过过pass, pass through, go across
tuán团团sphere, ball, circle; mass, lump
xià下下under, underneath, below; down;inferior; bring down
qǐng请请ask, request; invite; please
yǒng永永long, perpetual, eternal,forever
tiān天天sky, heaven; god, celestial
gāng刚刚hard, tough, rigid, strong
men们们adjunct pronoun indicate plural
哥哥elder brother
suǒ所所place, location; numeraryadjunct
shén甚甚great extent; considerably
duō多多much, many; more than, over
德德ethics, morality, virtue
shā杀杀kill, slaughter, murder; hurt;to pare off, reduce, clip
xiǎo小小small, tiny, insignificant
怕怕to fear, be afraid of;apprehensive
xiǎng想想think, speculate, plan, consider
bāo包包wrap, pack, bundle; package
得得obtain, get, gain, acquire
liè列列a line; to arrange in order,classify
zhī之之's (possevive particle) it, him her, them; go to
gài概概generally, approximately
huán还还still, yet, also, besides
zhào照照shine, illumine, reflect
diàn电电electricity, electric; lightning
夜夜night, dark; in night; by night
chū出出go out, send out; stand; produce
pái排排row, rank, line
gōng工工labor, work; worker, laborer
客客guest, traveller; customer
duì对对correct, right; facing, opposed
都都metropolis, capital; all, thewhole; elegant, refined
ruǎn软软soft, flexible, pliable; weak
机机machine; moment, chance
shāng商商commerce, business, trade
自自self, private, personal; from
gēn根根root, base(d on); foundation
hòu后后behind, rear, after; descendents
子子offspring, child; fruit, seedof; 1st terrestrial branch
qiē切切cut, mince, slice, carve
ér而而and; and then; and yet; but
tiáo条条clause, condition; string,stripe
xùn讯讯inquire; ask; examine; reproach
集集assemble, collect together
zhàn站站stand up; a stand, station
qiān千千thousand; many, numerous; very;(Cant.) a cheater, swindler
去去go away, leave, depart
luò落落fall, drop; net income, surplus
xīn心心heart; mind, intelligence; soul
jìng竟竟finally, after all, at last
zhī只只single, one of pair, lone
yuè越越exceed, go beyond; the more ...
jiā家家house, home, residence; family
dài待待treat, entertain, receive; wait
zhī知知know, perceive, comprehend
wàng忘忘forget; neglect; miss, omit
guó国国nation, country, nation-state
jìn尽尽exhaust, use up; deplete
据据to occupy, take possession of; abase
hěn很很very, quite, much
shuāng双双set of two, pair, couple; both
xìn信信trust, believe; letter
gōng供供supply, provide for; offer inworship
chéng成成completed, finished, fixed
chēng称称call; name, brand; address; say
zhāng章章composition; chapter, section
zuò座座seat; stand, base
何何what, why, where, which, how
tòng同同alley, lane
xiāo消消vanish, die out; melt away
dào道道path, road, street; method, way
chǎn产产give birth
地地earth; soil, ground; region
hóng红红red, vermillion; blush, flush
pǎo跑跑run, flee, leave in hurry
法法law, rule, regulation, statute;France, French
ma嘛嘛final exclamatory particle
无无negative, no, not; lack, have no
yuán园园garden; park, orchard
rán然然yes, certainly; pledge, promise
附附adhere to, append; rely on nearto
dàn但但only; but, however, yet, still
yìng硬硬hard, firm, strong; obstinate
ma吗吗final interrogative particle
yún云云clouds; Yunnan province
dāng当当bear, accept, undertake; just
yóu游游to swim; float, drift; wander,roam
于于in, at, on; interjection alas!
zhǎn展展open, unfold; stretch, extend
běn本本root, origin, source; basis
zhí执执hold in hand; keep; carry out
xiàn现现appear, manifest, become visible
wén闻闻hear; smell; make known; news
nián年年year; new-years; person's age
chàng唱唱sing, chant, call; ditty, song
qián前前in front, forward; preceding
育育produce, give birth to; educate
zhēn真真real, actual, true, genuine
斯斯this, thus, such; to lop off;emphatic particle
zuì最最most, extremely, exceedingly
mǒu某某certain thing or person
和和harmony, peace; peaceful, calm
技技skill, ability, talent,ingenuity
xīn新新new, recent, fresh, modern
āi唉唉alas, exclamation of surprise orpain
yīn因因cause, reason; by; because (of)
息息rest, put stop to, end, cease
guǒ果果fruit; result
苦苦bitter; hardship, suffering
dìng定定decide, settle, fix
zhí质质matter, material, substance
意意thought, idea, opinion; think
yóu油油oil, fat, grease, lard; paints
qíng情情feeling, sentiment, emotion
jiù救救save, rescue, relieve; help, aid
diǎn点点dot, speck, spot; point, degree
xiào效效result, effect; effectiveness
题题forehead; title, headline; theme
须须beard, whiskers; whisker-like
其其his, her, its, their; that
jiè介介forerunner, herald, harbinger;to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor
shì事事affair, matter, business; toserve; accident, incident
shǒu首首head; first; leader, chief; apoem
fāng方方a square, rectangle; a region;local
zhù助助help, aid, assist
qīng清清clear, pure, clean; peaceful
zhí职职duty, profession; office, post
科科section, department, science
例例precedent, example; regulation
yàng样样shape, form, pattern, style
热热hot; heat; fever; restless; zeal
xiē些些little, few; rather, somewhat
毕毕end, finish, conclude; completed
ba吧吧emphatic final particle
jié节节knot, node, joint; section
cān叁叁take part in, intervene; ginseng
hài害害injure, harm; destroy, kill
此此this, these; in this case, then
击击strike, hit, beat; attack, fight
wèi位位throne; position, post; rank,status; seat
luàn乱乱confusion, state of chaos;create chaos, revolt
理理reason, logic; manage
tài态态manner, bearing, attitude
xíng行行go; walk; move, travel;circulate
ēn嗯嗯(a groaning sound)
zuò作作make; work; compose, write; act,perform
bǎo宝宝treasure, jewel; precious, rare
jīng经经classic works; pass through
dǎo倒倒fall over; lie down; take turns
zhě者者that which; he who; those who
zhù注注explain; annotate; make entry
shí什什file of ten soldiers; mixed,miscellaneous
tíng停停stop, suspend, delay; suitable
xiè谢谢thank; decline
古古old, classic, ancient
míng名名name, rank, title, position
shū输输transport, carry, haul
日日sun; day; daytime
guī规规rules, regulations, customs, law
zhèng正正right, proper, correct
福福happiness, good fortune,blessing
huá华华flowery; illustrious; Chinese
qīn亲亲relatives, parents; intimate
huà话话speech, talk, language; dialect
chá查查investigate, examine, seek into
kāi开开open; initiate, begin, start
复复cover; tip over; return; reply
shí实实real, true, solid, honest
步步step, pace; walk, stroll
zài再再again, twice, re-
举举raise, lift up; recommend
chéng城城castle; city, town; municipality
鱼鱼fish; surname; KangXi radical195
ài爱爱love, be fond of, like
duàn断断sever, cut off; interrupt
与与and; with; to; for; give, grant
zhōng终终end; finally, in the end
èr二二two; twice
qīng轻轻light; easy, simple; gentle
dòng动动move, happen; movement, action
huán环环jade ring or bracelet; ring
比比to compare, liken; comparison;than
liàn练练practice, drill, exercise, train
gāo高高high, tall; lofty, elevated
yìn印印print, seal, stamp, chop, mark
miàn面面flour, dough, noodles
suí随随follow, listen to, submit; to accompany; subsequently, then
yòu又又and, also, again, in addition
依依rely on, be set in; consent,obey a wish
chē车车cart, vehicle; carry in cart
趣趣what attracts one's attention
力力power, capability, influence
xiàn限限boundary, limit, line
huò或或or, either, else; perhaps, maybe
xiǎng响响make sound, make noise; sound
zhǒng种种seed; race; offspring; to plant
shěng省省province; save, economize
xiàng像像a picture, image, figure; to resemble
局局bureau, office; circumstance
yìng应应should, ought to, must
续续continue, carry on; succeed
女女woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38
司司take charge of, control, manage;officer
jiào教教teach, class
jiǎo角角horn; angle, corner; point
fēn分分divide; small unit of time etc.
jiǎn简简simple, terse, succinct; letter
极极extreme, utmost, furthest, final
打打strike, hit, beat; fight; attack
gàn干干trunk of tree or of human body
已已already; finished; stop
piān篇篇chapter, section, essay, article
次次order, sequence; next
luó罗罗net for catching birds; gauze
cháng长长long; length; excel in; leader
佛佛Buddha; of Buddhism; merciful percon; Buddhist image; the dead (Jap.)
tài太太very, too, much; big; extreme
克克subdue, overcome; cut down
míng明明bright, light, brilliant; clear
yáng阳阳'male' principle; light; sun
己己self, oneself; personal,private; 6th heavenly stem
武武military; martial, warlike
路路road, path, street; journey
疑疑doubt, question, suspect
起起rise, stand up; go up; begin
sòng送送see off, send off; dispatch,give
xiāng相相mutual, reciprocal, each other
拉拉pull, drag; seize, hold;lengthen
zhǔ主主master, chief owner; host; lord
习习practice; flapping wings
guān关关frontier pass; close; relation
yuán源源spring; source, head; surname
fèng凤凤male phoenix; symbol of joy
miǎn免免spare; excuse from; evade
jiān间间interval, space; place, between
zhì志志write down; record; magazine
呢呢interrogative or emphatic final;(Cant.) this
niǎo鸟鸟bird; KangXi radical 196
jué觉觉to wake up from sleep; conscious
fán烦烦bother, vex, trouble;troublesome
gāi该该should, ought to, need to
足足foot; attain, satisfy, enough
shí十十pick up, collect, tidy up;accounting form of the numeral ten
guǎn馆馆public building
wài外外out, outside, external; foreign
réng仍仍yet, still, as ever; again; keep-ing, continuing
huáng凰凰female phoenix
低低low; to lower, hang, bend, bow
yǒu友友friend, companion; fraternity
广guǎng广广broad, wide, extensive
cái才才talent, ability; just, only
土土soil, earth; items made of earth
mín民民people, subjects, citizens
呀呀particle used to expresssurprise or mild emphasis; (Cant.) slurred form of the number ten
系系attach, connect, unite, fasten
lóu楼楼building of two or more stories
jìn进进advance, make progress, enter
huài坏坏bad, spoil(ed), ruin, destroy
使shǐ使使cause, send on a mission, order;envoy, messenger, ambassador
bīng兵兵soldier, troops
她她she, her
xiǎn显显manifest, display; evident,clear
zhù着着manifest; (Cant.) to wear
率率to lead; ratio; rate; limit
各各each, individually, every, all
shèng圣圣holy, sacred; sage
shǎo少少few, less, inadequate
码码number, numerals; yard; symbol
quán全全maintain, keep whole or intact
zhòng众众multitude, crowd; masses, public
liǎng两两two, both, pair, couple; ounce
zhēng争争to dispute, fight, contend,strive
huí回回return, turn around; a time
chū初初beginning, initial, primary
jiā加加add to, increase, augment
误误err, make mistake; interfere
jiāng将将will, going to, future; general
chǔ楚楚name of feudal state; clear
gǎn感感feel, perceive, emotion
责责one's responsibility, duty
第第sequence, number; grade, degree
jìng境境boundary, frontier; area, region
xìng性性nature, character, sex
野野open country, field; wilderness
qiú球球ball, sphere, globe; round
预预prepare, arrange; in advance
shì式式style, system, formula, rule
具具tool, implement; draw up, write
把把hold, take; guard; regard as
zhì智智wisdom, knowledge, intelligence
bèi被被passive indicator 'by'; bedding
压压press; oppress; crush; pressure
lǎo老老old, aged; experienced
系系attach, connect, unite, fasten
gōng公公fair, equitable; public; duke
qīng青青blue, green, black; young
lóng龙龙dragon; symbolic of emperor
guì贵贵expensive, costly, valuable
chéng程程journey, trip; schedule, agenda
shùn顺顺obey, submit to, go along with
lùn论论debate; discuss; discourse
负负load, burden; carry, bear
及及extend; reach; come up to; and
魔魔demon, evil spirits; magic power
bié别别separate, other; do not
shì适适match, comfortable; just
gěi给给give; by, for
哇哇vomit; cry of an infant
tīng听听hear, listen; understand; obey
测测measure, estimate, conjecture
shuǐ水水water, liquid, lotion, juice
màn慢慢slow(ly), leisurely, sluggish
zhòng重重heavy, weighty; double
怀huái怀怀bosom, breast; carry in bosom
体体body; group, class, body, unit
dǒng懂懂understand, comprehend
zuò做做work, make; act
shǐ史史history, chronicle, annals
xiào校校school; military field officer
pèi配配match, pair; equal; blend
里里inside, interior, within
呜呜sound of crying, sobbing
cháng常常common, normal, frequent,regular
wèi味味taste, smell, odor; delicacy
dōng东东east, eastern, eastward
亦亦also, too; likewise
fēng风风wind; air; manners, atmosphere
医医cure, heal; doctor, medical
nín您您honorific for 'you'
yíng迎迎receive, welcome, greet
wān湾湾a bay, cove, inlet, bend ofstream
舞舞dance, posture, prance; brandish
la啦啦final particle of assertion
liàn恋恋love; long for, yearn for; love
jiàn见见see, observe, behold; perceive
细细fine, tiny; slender, thin
jiě解解loosen, unfasten, untie; explain
guàn灌灌pour; water; irrigate, flood
děng等等rank, grade; wait; equal; 'etc.'
jiǎ甲甲armor, shell; fingernails; first theavenly stem
部部part, division, section
帝帝supreme ruler, emperor; god
yuán原原source, origin, beginning
yuè月月moon; month; KangXi radical 74
shǔ属属class, category, type; to belongto
měi美美beautiful, pretty; pleasing
líng灵灵spirit, soul; spiritual world
xiān先先first, former, previous
píng评评appraise, criticize, evaluate
guǎn管管pipe, tube, duct; woodwind music
骑骑ride horseback; mount; cavalry
区区area, district, region, ward;surname
宜宜suitable, right, fitting, proper
cuò错错error, blunder, mistake, wrong
bài败败be defeated, decline, fail
yīn音音sound, tone, pitch,pronunciation
zuǒ左左left; east; unorthodox, improper
fǒu否否not, no, negative; finalparticle
zhuī追追pursue, chase after; expel
a啊啊exclamatory particle
kuáng狂狂insane, mad; violent; wild
zhǎo找找search, seek, look for; find
gǎn敢敢to dare, venture; bold, brave
wǎng网网net, web; network
chūn春春spring; wanton
yuè乐乐happy, glad; enjoyable; music
gǒu狗狗dog, canis familiaris
ràng让让allow, permit, yield, concede
际际border, boundary, juncture
tōng通通pass through, common,communicate
遇遇meet, come across, encounter
入入enter, come in(to), join
族族a family clan, ethnic group,tribe
期期period of time; date; time limit
qún群群(same as U+7FA3 羣) group,crowd, multitude, mob
xuǎn选选choose, select; elect; election
tòng痛痛pain, ache; sorry, sad; bitter
jiào较较compare; comparatively, more
yòu右右right; west; right-wing
kāng康康peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy
cháng场场open space, field, market
jia佳佳good, auspicious; beautiful;delightful
yóu由由cause, reason; from
yáng杨杨willow, poplar, aspen; surname
shū书书book, letter, document; writings
木木tree; wood, lumber; wooden
它它it; other
bìng病病illness, sickness, disease
kuài快快rapid, quick, speedy, fast; soon
戏戏theatrical play, show
cóng从从from, by, since, whence, through
xiàng项项neck, nape of neck; sum; funds
huān欢欢happy, pleased, glad; joy; toenjoy
zhuā抓抓scratch; clutch, seize, grab
shù数数number; several; count; fate
zhēng征征summon, recruit; musical note
biǎo表表a watch, clock
shàn善善good, virtuous, charitable, kind
zěn怎怎what? why? how?
guān官官official, public servant
zhì至至reach, arrive; extremely, very
护护protect, guard, defend, shelter
立立stand; let stand; establish, set
博博gamble, play games; wide, broad
nèi内内inside, interior; domestic
补补mend, patch, fix, repair,restore
合合combine, unite, join; gather
shí石石stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112
目目eye; look, see; division, topic
ěr尔尔you; that, those; final particle
wàng望望to look at, look forward; tohope, expect
yíng营营encampment, barracks; manage
rèn认认recognize, know, understand
历历take place, past, history
几几how many? how much?; a few, some
zhī只只single, one of pair, lone
shè社社god of the soil and altars tohim; group of families; company, society
àn按按put hand on, press down withhand
gào告告tell, announce, inform; accuse
mèi妹妹younger sister
gèng更更more, still further, much more
里里inside, interior, within
bǎn版版printing blocks; edition
biān编编knit, weave; arrange; compile
度度degree, system; manner; toconsider
suì岁岁year; age; harvest
kǎo考考examine, test; investigate
择择select, choose, pick out
喜喜like, love, enjoy; joyful thing
wēn温温lukewarm, warm; tepid, mild
tóu头头head; top; chief, first; boss
shǒu守守defend, protect, guard, conserve
nán难难difficult, arduous, hard; unable
xiě血血blood; radical number 143
guāng光光light, brilliant, shine; only
lǐng领领neck; collar; lead, guide
mǎi买买buy, purchase; bribe, persuade
xún寻寻seek, search, look for; ancient
jīn今今now, today, modern era
tián田田field, arable land, cultivated
shēn身身body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158
yǎng养养raise, rear, bring up; support
许许allow, permit; promise; betroth
wèi谓谓say, tell; call, name; be called
弟弟young brother; junior; i, me
居居live, dwell, reside, sit
ruò若若if, supposing, assuming; similar
异异different, unusual, strange
suàn算算count, calculate, figure; plan
雨雨rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173
记记record; keep in mind, remember
zhǐ止止stop, halt, desist; detain
dài代代to replace, to stand for replacement; era, generation
tiào跳跳jump, leap, vault, bounce; dance
tǒng统统govern, command, control; unite
jūn君君sovereign, monarch, ruler,chief, prince
chù处处place, locale; department
làn烂烂rotten, spoiled, decayed
wán完完complete, finish, settle; whole
yōu优优superior, excellent; actor
hào号号mark, sign; symbol; number
fēng封封letter, envelope; feudal
jiē接接receive; continue; catch;connect
bài拜拜do obeisance, bow, kowtow
yán言言words, speech; speak, say
è恶恶evil, wicked, bad, foul
zhèng政政government, political affairs
wán玩玩play with, joke, enjoy
làng浪浪wave; wasteful, reckless
shī师师teacher, master, specialist;multitude, troops
核核seed, kernel, core, nut; atom
字字letter, character, word
liáo聊聊somewhat, slightly, at least
bìng并并combine, annex
急急quick, quickly; urgent, pressing
nán男男male, man; son; baron; surname
zhuàng状状form; appearance; shape;official
计计plan, plot; strategem; scheme
陆陆land, continental; army; an accounting form of U+516D 六 (six)
shuí谁谁who? whom? whose? anyone?
激激arouse, excite, incite; quickly
shān山山mountain, hill, peak
模模model, standard, pattern; copy
zhāng张张stretch, extend, expand; sheet
gōng攻攻attack, assault; criticize
dǎng党党political party, gang, faction
máng忙忙busy, pressed for time; hustling
měi每每every, each
liáng良良good, virtuous, respectable
qiě且且moreover, also (post-subject);about to, will soon (pre-verb)
剧剧theatrical plays, opera, drama
jié结结knot, tie; join, connect
niú牛牛cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93
gǎi改改change, alter; improve, remodel
lěi垒垒rampart, military wall
fēi非非not, negative, non-; oppose
zēng增增increase, add to, augment
xīng星星a star, planet; any point oflight
wéi维维maintain, preserve, safeguard
lián连连join, connect; continuous; even
jìng静静quiet, still, motionless; gentle
哈哈sound of laughter
zhèn阵阵column, row or file of troops
jiàn建建build, establish, erect, found
bào抱抱embrace, hold in arms, enfold
fàng放放put, release, free, liberate
shì势势power, force; tendency
zhí直直straight, erect, vertical
yán严严strict, rigorous, rigid; stern
zhuǎn转转shift, move, turn
词词words; phrase, expression
bào报报report, tell, announce
亚亚Asia; second; used as a prefix to names
huó活活live, exist, survive; lively
夫夫man, male adult, husband; those
shè设设build; establish; display;particle of hypothesis, supposing
qiān签签sign, endorse; slip of paper
biàn变变change, transform, alter; rebel
bēi悲悲sorrow, grief; sorry, sad
zhǐ指指finger, toe; point, indicate
密密dense, thick, close; intimate
气气air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit
幕幕curtain, screen, tent
yán研研grind, rub; study, research
毒毒poison, venom; poisonous
chén陈陈exhibit, display; plead; surname
chǎng厂厂factory, plant, workshop, mill
shì试试test, try, experiment
shuǎng爽爽happy, cheerful; refreshing
西西西west(ern); westward, occident
yuán缘缘hem, margin; reason, cause;karma, fate
五五five; surname
diàn店店shop, store; inn, hotel
希希rare; hope, expect, strive for
吴吴one of warring states; surname
取取take, receive, obtain; select
lán兰兰orchid; elegant, graceful
shén神神spirit, god, supernatural being
shuì睡睡sleep, doze
huà化化change, convert, reform; -ize
zhì致致delicate, fine; dense
物物thing, substance, creature
jiāng江江large river; yangzi; surname
wáng王王king, ruler; royal; surname
宿宿宿stop, rest, lodge, stayovernight; constellation
zhàn战战war, fighting, battle
fān翻翻flip over, upset, capsize
jìn近近near, close; approach; intimate
xiāng香香fragrant, sweet smelling,incense
shì世世generation; world; era
mán蛮蛮barbarians; barbarous, savage
shòu受受receive, accept, get; bear,stand
jǐng警警guard, watch; alert, alarm
义义right conduct, righteousness
kòng控控accuse, charge; control
fǎn反反reverse, opposite, contrary,anti
zhào赵赵surname; ancient state
dān单单single, individual, only; lone
lěng冷冷cold, cool; lonely
死死die; dead; death
wēi威威pomp, power; powerful; dominate
rèn任任trust to, rely on, appoint; tobear, duty, office; allow
wēi微微small, prefix micro-, trifling
gēn跟跟heel; to follow, accompany; with
zuò坐坐sit; seat; ride, travel by
便biàn便便convenience, ease; expedient
zhōu周周Zhou dynasty; circumference
kōng空空empty, hollow, bare, deserted
zōng宗宗lineage, ancestry; ancestor,clan
lín林林forest, grove; surname
普普universal, general, widespread
shì士士scholar, gentleman; soldier
dēng登登rise, mount, board, climb
母母mother; female elders; female
què却却still, but; decline; retreat
luò络络enmesh, wrap around; web, net
běi北北north; northern; northward
午午noon; 7th terrestrial branch
duì队队team, group; army unit
kǒng恐恐fear; fearful, apprehensive
gōng功功achievement, merit, good result
tào套套case, cover, wrapper, envelope
必必surely, most certainly; must
巴巴greatly desire, anxiously hope
shēng声声sound, voice, noise; tone; music
杂杂mixed, blended; mix, mingle
xiě写写write; draw, sketch; compose
chuàng创创establish, create; knife cut
píng平平flat, level, even; peaceful
jiù旧旧old, ancient; former, past
yǐng影影shadow; image, reflection;photograph
辑辑gather up, collect; edit,compile
业业profession, business, trade
xìng幸幸luck(ily), favor, fortunately
jīn金金gold; metals in general; money
jiàn剑剑sword, dagger, saber
dǎng档档shelf; frame, crosspiece
liàng亮亮bright, brilliant, radiant,light
piàn片片slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91
shù述述narrate, state, express
tǎo讨讨to discuss; ask for, beg;demand; dun; marry
táng堂堂hall; government office
色色color, tint, hue, shade; form,body; beauty, desire for beauty
jiǔ酒酒wine, spirits, liquor, alcoholic beverage
róng容容looks, appearance; figure, form
丽丽beautiful, magnificent, elegant
yāng央央center, conclude, run out; beg
pái牌牌signboard, placard
nǎi妳妳you (f.)
仔仔small thing, child; young animal
xiàng向向once upon time; period of time
jiǎo脚脚foot; base, leg, foundation
shì市市market, fair; city, town; trade
突突suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly
则则rule, law, regulation; grades
gǎo搞搞to clear, clarify
yuán员员member; personnel, staff member
父父father; KangXi radical 88
xīng兴兴thrive, prosper, flourish
jùn俊俊talented, capable; handsome
利利gains, advantage, profit, merit
bào暴暴violent, brutal, tyrannical
qiáng强强strong, powerful, energetic
fáng防防defend; prevent; embankment
bái白白white; pure, unblemished; bright
吉吉lucky, propitious, good
jià价价price, value
礼礼social custom; manners;courtesy; rites
ān安安peaceful, tranquil, quiet
素素white (silk); plain; vegetarian;formerly; normally
呵呵scold; laughing sound; yawn
zhāo招招beckon, summon; recruit, levy
特特special, unique, distinguished
cǎo草草grass, straw, thatch, herbs
思思think, consider, ponder; final particle
zhōu周周Zhou dynasty; circumference
jiào叫叫cry, shout; hail, greet, call
fáng房房house, building; room
zǒng总总collect; overall, altogether
cān餐餐eat, dine; meal; food
bàn办办manage, do, handle; deal with
虑虑be concerned, worry about
bǎo保保protect, safeguard, defend, care
chōng充充fill, be full, supply
huā花花flower; blossoms
府府prefecture; prefect; government
议议consult, talk over, discuss
bèi背背back; back side; behind; betray
chuán传传summon; propagate, transmit
diǎn典典law, canon; documentation;classic, scripture
yuán元元first; dollar; origin; head
rén仁仁humaneness, benevolence,kindness
qiú求求seek; demand, request; beseech
màn漫漫overflow of water; spreading
fèn份份portion, part; duty
jǐng景景scenery, view; conditions
jiàn件件numerary adjunct for article;matter
shào绍绍continue, carry on; hand down;to join
chí持持sustain, support; hold, grasp
zhū诸诸several, various
wàn万万ten thousand; innumerable
qín琴琴Chinese lute or guitar
wèi未未not yet; 8th terrestrial branch
忆忆remember, reflect upon; memory
jiù究究examine, investigate
yuán援援aid, assist; lead; cite
jué决决decide, determine, judge
yóu尤尤especially, particularly
tóu投投throw, cast, fling, pitch; jump
quē缺缺be short of, lack; gap, deficit
哪哪which? where? how?
biǎn扁扁flat; tablet, signboard
喔喔descriptive of crying or ofcrowing
骂骂accuse, blame, curse, scold
xiào笑笑smile, laugh, giggle; snicker
chún纯纯pure, clean, simple
惜惜pity, regret, rue, begrudge
组组class; section, department
shòu授授give to, transmit; confer
独独alone, single, solitary, only
皮皮skin, hide, fur, feather; outer
级级level, rank, class; grade
sōng松松lax, loose; loosen, relax
zǒu走走walk, go on foot; run; leave
wěi委委appoint, send, commission
zhī支支disperse, pay; support; branch
湖湖a lake; Hubei, Hunan;bluish-green
céng曾曾already; sign of past
chéng诚诚sincere, honest; true, real
biāo标标a mark, symbol, label, sign;standard
麻麻hemp, jute, flax; sesame
liú流流flow, circulate, drift; class
zhì置置place, lay out; set aside
zhú竹竹bamboo; flute; KangXi radical118
kào靠靠lean on, trust, depend on; near
xiōng兄兄elder brother
继继continue, maintain, carry on
ā阿阿prefix for people's names; usedin transliteration
pàn判判judge; discriminate; conclude
shì室室room, home, house, chamber
益益profit, benefit; advantage
qiǎ卡卡card, punch card; calorie
波波waves, breakers; undulations
马马horse; surname; KangXi radical187
jiě姐姐elder sister, young lady
gòng共共together with, all, total; toshare
既既already; de facto; since; then
需需need, require, must
shè射射shoot, eject, issue forth, emit
hǎi海海sea, ocean; maritime
欲欲desire, want, long for; intend
kǒu口口mouth; open end; entrance, gate
刻刻carve, engrave; quarter hour
mén门门gate, door, entrance, opening
duī堆堆heap, pile, crowd; pile up
bān般般sort, manner, kind, category
shì释释interprete, elucidate; release
线xiàn线线thread, line, wire; clue
hán含含hold in mouth; cherish; contain
语语language, words; saying,expression
chéng承承inherit, receive; succeed
mìng命命life; destiny, fate, luck; anorder, instruction
退tuì退退step back, retreat, withdraw
guān观观see, observe, view; appearance
莫莫do not, is not, can not;negative
shì视视look at, inspect, observe, see
liú刘刘surname; kill, destroy
péng朋朋friend, pal, acquaintance
zuó昨昨yesterday; in former times, past
lián联联connect, join; associate, ally
páng旁旁side; by side, close by, near
cān参参take part in, intervene; ginseng
纪纪record, annal, historicalaccount
格格pattern, standard, form; style
gǎn赶赶pursue, follow; expel, driveaway
huáng黄黄yellow; surname
zhì制制make, manufacture; produce
qián钱钱money, currency, coins
shàng尚尚still, yet; even; fairly, rather
xiū修修study; repair; cultivate
艺艺art; talent, ability; craft
shī失失lose; make mistake, neglect
ròu肉肉flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130
ér儿儿son, child, oneself; final part
律律statute, principle, regulation
zhù住住reside, live at, dwell, lodge;stop
tiě铁铁iron; strong, solid, firm
八八eight; all around, all sides
zòu奏奏memorialize emperor; report
shù树树tree; plant; set up, establish
bǎn板板boss, the owner, person incharge
máo毛毛hair, fur, feathers; coarse
chī吃吃eat; drink; suffer, endure, bear
zuì罪罪crime, sin, vice; evil; hardship
lìng另另another, separate, other
笔笔writing brush; write; stroke
huàn换换change, exchange; substitute
cǎi彩彩hue, color; variegated colors
即即promptly, quickly, immediately
zhù注注explain; annotate; make entry
xiàng象象elephant; ivory; figure, image
guī归归return; return to, revert to
liào料料consider, conjecture; materials,ingredients
dàn弹弹pellet, bullet, shot, shell
虎虎tiger; brave, fierce; surname
拿拿take, hold, grasp; bring; with
wèi卫卫guard, protect, defend
zhuān专专monopolize, take sole possession
dāo刀刀knife; old coin; measure
yuǎn远远distant, remote, far; profound
jiē皆皆all, every, everybody
速速quick, prompt, speedy
jiàn键键door bolt, lock bolt; key
基基foundation, base
bāng帮帮to help, assist; to defend; shoe upper
kuài块块piece, lump; dollar
xíng形形form, shape, appearance
xiǎn险险narrow pass, strategic point,dangerous
què确确sure, certain; real, true
róng荣荣glory, honor; flourish, prosper
hòu候候wait; expect; visit; greet
播播sow, spread; broadcast; caseaway, reject
zhuāng装装dress, clothes; decorate; fill
shī施施grant, bestow; give; act; name
hái孩孩baby, child; children
míng铭铭inscribe, engrave; unforgettably
bèi备备prepare, ready, perfect
luó罗罗net for catching birds; gauze
歌歌song, lyrics; sing, chant;praise
hàn汉汉the Chinese people, Chinese language
jiè界界boundary, limit; domain;society; the world
shǎng赏赏reward, grant, bestow;appreciate
chú除除eliminate, remove, except
xīn欣欣happy, joyous, delighted
nán南南south; southern part; southward
shēng升升arise, go up; hoist; advance
器器receptacle, vessel; instrument
xié叶叶leaf, petal; page of book;period
yíng萤萤glow-worm, luminous insect
诉诉accuse; sue; inform; narrate
zài载载load; carry; transport, convey
chāi差差to differ; different, wrong;nearly, almost; an officer
嘿嘿be silent, be quiet
jiǎng讲讲explain; discuss; talk
nòng弄弄do, play or fiddle with; alley
lèi类类class, group, kind, category
zhōng钟钟clock; bell
yīng英英petal, flower, leaf; brave, ahero; England, English
付付give, deliver, pay, hand over;entrust
àn案案table, bench; legal case
寄寄send, transmit, mail; rely on
dài带带belt, girdle, band, strap, zone
guǐ鬼鬼ghost; spirit of dead; devil
jiǔ久久long time (ago); time passage,grow late
é哦哦oh? really? is that so?
乎乎interrogative or exclamatory final particle
dēng灯灯lantern, lamp
diào掉掉turn, move; shake, wag; dropdown
ái呆呆dull; dull-minded, simple,stupid
迷迷bewitch, charm, infatuate
yáng洋洋ocean, sea; foreign; western
liàng量量measure, quantity, capacity
嘻嘻mirthful, happy; interjection
yǐn引引to pull, draw out, attract; tostretch
布布cotton cloth, textiles, linen
zhěng整整orderly, neat, tidy; whole
磁磁magnetic; magnetism; porcelain
似似resemble, similar to; as if,seem
jiàn荐荐offer, present; recommend
耶耶used in transliteration
jiǎn检检check; examine
奇奇strange, unusual, uncanny,occult
pài派派school of thought, sect, branch
zhì制制make, manufacture; produce
gòu构构frame, building, structure
biān边边edge, margin, side, border
妈妈mother, mama
xíng型型pattern, model, type; law; mold
lán蓝蓝blue; indigo plant; surname
chāo超超jump over, leap over; surpass
tiē贴贴paste to, stick on; attached to
shì识识recognize, understand, know
zhū猪猪pig, hog
suī虽虽although, even if
策策scheme, plan; to whip; urge
guài怪怪strange, unusual, peculiar
fēi飞飞fly; go quickly; dart; high
àn暗暗dark; obscure; in secret, covert
shǐ始始begin, start; then, only then
qiǎo巧巧skillful, ingenious, clever
pǐn品品article, product, commodity
努努to exert, strive, make aneffort; to pout
yùn运运luck, fortune; ship, transport
sài赛赛compete, contend; contest, race
jià架架rack, stand, prop; prop up
fèi费费expenses, expenditures, fee
mèng梦梦dream; visionary; wishful
xuān宣宣declare, announce, proclaim
故故ancient, old; reason, because
féng逢逢come upon, happen meet; flatter
bān班班class, group, grade; squad; job
jūn均均equal, even, fair; all, also
quán权权power, right, authority
dān担担carry, bear, undertake
破破break, ruin, destroy; rout
启启open; begin
yàn验验test, examine, inspect; verify
济济to help, aid, relieve; to ferry,cross
yǎn眼眼eye; eyelet, hole, opening
罢罢cease, finish, stop; give up
mǎn满满fill; full, satisfied
呼呼breathe sigh, exhale; call,shout
niàn念念think of, recall, study
huà划划delineate, painting, picture,drawing; draw
zào造造construct, build, make, begin;prepare
wěi伟伟great, robust; extraordinary
jūn军军army, military; soldiers, troops
jīng精精essence; semen; spirit
qiàn歉歉deficient, lacking, insufficient
务务affairs, business; must, should
guō郭郭outer part (of a city); surname
liú留留stop, halt; stay, detain, keep
xùn训训teach, instruct; exegesis
服服clothes; wear, dress
穿chuān穿穿penetrate, pierce, drill; wear
liù六六number six
xiáng详详detailed, complete, thorough
图图diagram; chart, map, picture
shā沙沙sand, gravel, pebbles;granulated
shōu收收gather together, collect;harvest
督督supervise, oversee, direct
shě舍舍discard, give up willingly; givealms
méi梅梅plums; prunes; surname
顾顾look back; look at; look after
读读read, study; pronounce
敌敌enemy, foe, rival; resist
xié协协be united; cooperate
shā砂砂sand; pebbles, gravel; gritty
lún轮轮wheel; revolve, turn; recur
gōng恭恭respectful, polite, reverent
lvè略略approximately, roughly; outline
塔塔tower, spire, tall building
huì慧慧bright, intelligent;intelligence
贺贺congratulate; send present
huàn幻幻illusion, fantasy, mirage
hún魂魂soul, spirit
liǎn脸脸face; cheek; reputation
jīng睛睛eyeball; pupil of eye
duǎn短短short; brief; deficient, lacking
逸逸flee, escape, break loose
yīng鹰鹰eagle, falcon; Accipiter species(various)
旗旗banner, flag, streamer
chōng冲冲rush against, charge ahead
萨萨transliteration of 'sat' in'bodhisattva,' etc.
zhāo朝朝dynasty; morning
wán丸丸small round object; pellet, pill
rěn忍忍endure, bear, suffer; forbear
hòu厚厚thick; substantial; greatly
yóu游游to swim; float, drift; wander,roam
zhāi斋斋vegetarian diet; study; to fast,abstain
河河river; stream; yellow river
fēn芬芬fragrance, aroma; perfume
批批comment, criticize; wholesale
革革leather, animal hides; rad. 177
hǔn混混to mix, blend, mingle; to bumblealong
yōng庸庸usual, common, ordinary,mediocre
shū舒舒open up, unfold, stretch out;comfortable, easy
xiāng乡乡country; rural; village
yǐn饮饮drink; swallow; kind of drink
dàn蛋蛋eggs; term of abuse
闭闭shut, close; obstruct, block up
季季quarter of year; season; surname
励励strive; encourage
sàn散散scatter, disperse, break up
dùn顿顿pause, stop; bow, kowtow;arrange
册册book, volume
yǎng仰仰raise the head to look; look upto, rely on, admire
弃弃reject, abandon, discard
阁阁chamber, pavilion; cabinet
shóu熟熟well-cooked; ripe; familiar with
mèng孟孟first in series; great, eminent
jiǎng奖奖prize, reward; give award to
chāng昌昌light of sun; good, proper
wéi唯唯only; yes
访fǎng访访visit; ask, inquire
cáng藏藏hide, conceal; hoard, store up
绪绪end of thread; thread
hūn婚婚get married; marriage, wedding
裕裕abundant, rich, plentiful
jìng镜镜mirror; lens; glass; glasses
勿勿must not, do not; without, never
jǐn紧紧tense, tight, taut; firm, secure
zhōu州州administrative division, state
cāi猜猜guess, conjecture, suppose; feel
chǎn阐阐explain, clarify, elucidate
喝喝drink; shout, call out
qiǎng抢抢plunder, rob, take by force
zūn尊尊respect, revere, venerate; honor
sǎo扫扫sweep, clear away; exterminate
gān干干dry; first hexagram; warming principle of the sun, penetrating and fertilizing, heavenly generative principle (male)
糊糊paste, stick on with paste
xiàn县县county, district, subdivision
zhòu宙宙time as concept; infinite time
伯伯older brother; father's elderbrother; senior male 'sire'; feudal rank 'count'
cháng尝尝taste; experience, experiment
piān偏偏inclined one side; slanting
菩菩herb, aromatic plant
tōu偷偷to steal, burglar, thief
赐赐give, bestow favors; appoint
qiū秋秋autumn, fall; year
chì赤赤red; communist, 'red'; bare
céng层层storey, layer, floor, stratum
hǎn喊喊shout, call out, yell; howl; cry
颗颗grain, kernel
dào盗盗rob, steal; thief, bandit
shí食食eat; meal; food; KangXi radicalnumber 184
qíng擎擎lift up, hold up, support
dàn淡淡weak, watery; insipid, tasteless
quàn劝劝recommend, advise, urge
shēn申申to state to a superior, report;extend; 9th terrestrial branch
fèn奋奋strive, exert effort; arouse
guān冠冠cap, crown, headgear
慈慈kind, charitable, benevolent
衣衣clothes, clothing; cover, skin
jìn尽尽exhaust, use up; deplete
jǐn仅仅only, merely, solely, just
污污filthy, dirty, impure, polluted
zhàng帐帐tent; screen, mosquito net
狐狐species of fox
zàn赞赞help, support, assist, aid
罚罚penalty, fine; punish, penalize
gòu购购buy, purchase; hire
yōu幽幽quiet, secluded, tranquil; dark
fàn犯犯commit crime, violate; criminal
zhǔn准准rule, guideline, standard
jìng敬敬respect, honor; respectfully
jiān兼兼unite, combine; connect; and
yǒng勇勇brave, courageous, fierce
jiān尖尖sharp, pointed, acute, keen
zhōu洲洲continent; island; islet
zhāng彰彰clear, manifest, obvious
shù束束bind, control, restrain; bale
huī灰灰ashes; dust; lime, mortar
dòu斗斗struggle, fight, compete,contend
fān番番to take turns; a turn, a time;to repeat
徒徒disciple, follower; go on foot
héng衡衡measure, weigh, judge, consider
jiā嘉嘉excellent; joyful; auspicious
xiān鲜鲜fresh, new, delicious; rare, few
róu柔柔soft; gentle, pliant
kuò扩扩expand, enlarge, stretch
绩绩spin; achievements
háo毫毫fine hair; measure of length
bèn笨笨foolish, stupid, dull; awkward
kuā夸夸exaggerate; brag, boast; flaunt
yǒng拥拥embrace, hug, squeeze; crowd
pào炮炮large gun, cannon; artillery
piāo漂漂float, drift; tossed about
chāi拆拆to break up, split apart, ripopen; to destroy
jiān监监supervise, control, direct
shī诗诗poetry; poem, verse, ode
lán栏栏railing, balustrade; animal pan
wéi围围surround, encircle, corral
chí迟迟late, tardy; slow; delay
guāi乖乖rebel; crafty, shrewd
zhèng证证proof, evidence; testify, verify
孤孤orphan, fatherless; solitary
qīng倾倾upset, pour out, overflow
xìng姓姓one's family name; clan, people
郁郁luxuriant; dense, thick; moody
吸吸inhale, suck in; absorb; attract
wāng汪汪vast, extensive, deep; surname
私私private, personal; secret
fēn纷纷in disorder, scattered, tangled
避避avoid; turn aside; escape; hide
tuō托托to hold up with palm; tosupport, rely on
fàn范范pattern, model, rule, law
lòu漏漏leak, drip; funnel; hour glass
kàng抗抗resist, oppose, defy, reject
渡渡cross, ferry over; ferry
gài盖盖cover, hide, protect
姑姑father's sister; husband'smother
zhù祝祝pray for happiness or blessings
miǎo秒秒beard of grain or corn; a second
序序series, serial order, sequence
吾吾i, my, our; resist, impede
xiǎo晓晓dawn, daybreak; clear, explicit
窝窝nest; cave, den; hiding place
富富abundant, ample; rich, wealthy
liàng辆辆numerary adjunct for vehicles
译译translate; decode; encode
líng龄龄age; years
巨巨large, great, enormous; chief
diē跌跌stumble, slip, fall down; stamp
xiù秀秀ear of grain; flowering,luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful
hào浩浩great, numerous, vast, abundant
féi肥肥fat, plump, obese; fertile
huī辉辉brightness, luster, brilliance
shòu兽兽beast, animal; bestial
chā插插insert, stick into; plant
shà煞煞malignant deity; baleful,noxious; strike dead
chá察察examine, investigate; notice
抹抹smear, apply, wipe off, erase
qìng庆庆congratulate, celebrate
suān酸酸tart, sour; acid; stiff; spoiled
积积accumulate, store up, amass
shuì税税taxes, revenue, duty; tax
愈愈more and more, even more
xiàn陷陷submerge, sink, plunge; trap
duān端端end, extreme; head; beginning
谷谷corn, grain, cereal; lucky
移移change place, shift; move about
chōng冲冲rush against, charge ahead
gōng宫宫palace, temple, dwelling,enclose
杜杜stop, prevent; restrict; surname
huī挥挥direct; wipe away; squander
xiōng胸胸breast, bosom, chest; thorax
bào爆爆crackle, pop, burst, explode
gān甘甘sweetness; sweet, tasty
gǎng港港port, harbor; small stream; bay
bāo胞胞womb, placenta, fetal membrane
xuě雪雪snow; wipe away shame, avenge
dàn诞诞to bear children, give birth;birth
shuò硕硕great, eminent; large, big
岂岂how? what?
jiè借借borrow; lend; make pretext of
辞辞words, speech, expression,phrase
shuài帅帅commander, commander-in-chief
diū丢丢discard, reject, lose
liáng凉凉cool, cold; disheartened
guā括括include, embrace, enclose
suì碎碎break, smash; broken, busted
guà挂挂hang, suspend; suspense
jīng晶晶crystal; clear, bright; radiant
pán盘盘tray, plate, dish; examine
qiū邱邱surname; hill; mound; grave
ǒu偶偶accidentally, coincidently; anidol
luó逻逻patrol; inspect; watch
末末final, last, end; insignificant
cuì脆脆crisp; fragile, frail; brittle
tīng厅厅hall, central room
pēn喷喷spurt, blow out, puff out
zhū朱朱cinnabar, vermilion; surname
fán凡凡all, any, every; ordinary,common
娃娃baby; doll; pretty girl
jīng惊惊frighten, surprise, startle
péi培培bank up with dirt; cultivate
huò货货goods, commodities, products
miè灭灭extinguish; wipe out,exterminate
qián潜潜hide; hidden, secret, latent
xǐng醒醒wake up; sober up; startle
xiáng祥祥good luck, good omen; happiness
虚虚false, worthless; empty, hollow
zhú筑筑build, erect; building
ruì瑞瑞felicitous omen; auspicious
kǒng孔孔opening, hole, orifice; great
pāi拍拍clap, tap, beat; beat or rhythm
柏柏cypress, cedar
遗遗lose; articles lost; omit
zhōng忠忠loyalty, devotion, fidelity
yāo邀邀invite, welcome; meet, intercept
zhì志志write down; record; magazine
yóu犹犹like, similar to, just like, as
tòu透透penetrate, pass through
liè烈烈fiery, violent, vehement, ardent
估估merchant; estimate, guess,presume
yín银银silver; cash, money, wealth
huāng荒荒wasteland, desert; uncultivated
dǐng顶顶top, peak; carry on head; very
dài袋袋pocket, bag, sack, pouch
雅雅elegant, graceful, refined
jìng径径narrow path; diameter; direct
nuò诺诺promise; assent, approve
垃垃garbage, refuse, waste
yuán圆圆circle; round, circular;complete
ào傲傲proud, haughty, overbearing
xióng熊熊a bear; brilliant; bright;surname
shú淑淑good, pure, virtuous, charming
替替change, replace, substitute for
圾圾garbage, rubbish; shaking;danger
xiū休休rest, stop; retire; do not!
dàn旦旦dawn; morning; day
cái材材material, stuff; timber; talent
亿亿亿hundred million; many
tiāo挑挑a load carried on the shoulders;to carry
jié截截cut off, stop, obstruct,intersect
xiá侠侠chivalrous person; knight-errant
币币currency, coins, legal tender
羽羽feather, plume; wings; rad. 124
léi累累bind, wind about; link, join
妇妇married women; woman; wife
互互mutually, reciprocally
泥泥mud, mire; earth, clay; plaster
zhǎng掌掌palm of hand, sole of foot, paw
欺欺cheat, doublecross, deceive
niàn念念think of, recall, study
xián弦弦string; hypotenuse, crescent
米米hulled or husked uncooked rice
chóu筹筹chip, tally, token; raise money
bàn伴伴companion, comrade, partner;accompany
shě舍舍discard, give up willingly; givealms
辅辅cheek bone; protective; assist
忌忌jealous, envious; fear
jiàng降降descend, fall, drop; lower, down
chuàn串串string; relatives; conspire
háo豪豪brave, heroic, chivalrous
shēn伸伸extend, stretch out, open up;trust
喇喇horn, bugle; lama; finalparticle
洗洗wash, rinse; clean, purify
chǐ耻耻shame, humiliation; ashamed
jiàn健健strong, robust, healthy;strength
fán繁繁complicated, complex, difficult
fàn饭饭cooked rice; food; meal
liào廖廖surname; name of an ancientstate
lián怜怜pity, sympathize
guàng逛逛ramble, stroll, roam, wander
fēng疯疯crazy, insane, mentally ill
jìng劲劲strong, unyielding, tough,powerful
hóng宏宏wide, spacious, great, vast
chòu臭臭smell, stink, emit foul odor
kùn困困be tired, sleepy
鲁鲁foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
zhǐ址址site, location, land for house
zhuàng壮壮big, large; robust; name oftribe
兮兮exclamatory particle
捕捕arrest, catch, seize
cāo操操conduct, run, control, manage
qióng穷穷poor, destitute, impoverished
lín临临draw near, approach; descend
拔拔uproot, pull out
piàn骗骗swindle, cheat out of, defraud
于于in, at, on; interjection alas!
liě咧咧stretch mouth, grimace, grin
chǒu丑丑ugly looking, homely;disgraceful
yào药药drugs, pharmaceuticals, medicine
莉莉white jasmine
绿绿绿green; chlorine
zāo糟糟sediment, dregs; pickle
尼尼Buddhist nun; transliteration
zhà炸炸to fry in oil; to scald; toexplode
cài蔡蔡surname; species of tortoise
坡坡slope, bank, hillside
玉玉jade, precious stone, gem
méng蒙蒙cover; ignorant; suffer;mongolia
xīn辛辛bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8thheavenly stem
tuǐ腿腿legs, thighs
bèi辈辈generation, lifetime; class
tǎn坦坦flat, smooth; self-possessed
mǐn敏敏fast, quick, clever, smart
怒怒anger, rage, passion; angry
jiǎn减减decrease, subtract, diminish
tián甜甜sweet, sweetness
彼彼that, there, those
hán韩韩fence; surname; Korea
jiē街街street, road, thoroughfare
huǎn缓缓slow, leisurely; to postpone,delay
聚聚assemble, meet together, collect
悉悉know, learn about, comprehend
láng郎郎gentleman, young man; husband
chě扯扯rip up, tear down; raise; haul
pào泡泡bubbles, suds; blister; soak
割割cut, divide, partition; cede
hèn恨恨hatred, dislike; resent, hate
ài艾艾artemisia, mugwort; translit.
苏苏revive, resurrect; a species ofthyme; transliteration of 'Soviet'
tāi胎胎unborn child, embryo, fetus
suō缩缩contract, draw in, reduce
héng恒恒constant, regular, persistent
shū枢枢door hinge; pivot; center ofpower
líng玲玲tinkling of jade
pèng碰碰collide, bump into
duǒ朵朵cluster of flowers; earlobe
cǎi采采gather, collect; pick, select
quán泉泉spring, fountain; wealth, money
默默silent; quiet, still; dark
tāng汤汤hot water; soup, gravy, broth
婆婆old woman; grandmother
měng猛猛violent, savage, cruel; bold
股股thighs, haunches, rump; share
jià驾驾to drive, sail, fly; a cart,carriage
tóng童童child, boy, servant boy; virgin
yòu幼幼infant, young child; immature
符符i.d. tag, tally, symbol, charm
píng坪坪level ground; Japanese measure
chōu抽抽draw out, pull out; sprout
巫巫wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman
huò获获harvest, cut grain
wān弯弯bend, curve
宇宇house; building, structure;eaves
dǎn胆胆gall bladder; bravery, courage
fèi废废abrogate, terminate, discard
hūn昏昏dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark
yíng赢赢win; surplus, gain, profit
xié鞋鞋shoes, footwear in general
kěn肯肯willing; consent to, permit
怡怡harmony; pleasure, joy; be glad
kǎn砍砍hack, chop, cut, fell
吐吐vomit, spew out, cough up
gāng钢钢steel; hard, strong, tough
táng唐唐Tang dynasty; Chinese
ōu欧欧used in transliteratingnon-Chinese words such as Europe, ohm; surname
yōu悠悠long, far, remote, distant;liesurely
jiè届届numerary adjunct for time, term
dùn盾盾shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia
jìn禁禁restrict, prohibit, forbid
yuè跃跃skip, jump, frolic
cāng苍苍blue; green
qīn侵侵invade, encroach upon, raid
tuō脱脱take off, peel off, strip
dān丹丹cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion(artificial HgS used as pigment)
jiàn鑑鑑mirror, looking glass; reflect
xiān仙仙Taoist super-being,transcendent, immortal
泽泽marsh, swamp; grace, brilliance;damp, moist; fertile
lèi泪泪tears; weep, cry
xīn薪薪fuel, firewood; salary
chù触触touch; butt, ram, gore
shì逝逝pass away; die
途途way, road, path, journey; course
yàn彦彦elegant, handsome; learned
cái财财wealth, valuables, riches
hòu后后behind, rear, after; descendents
xiāng箱箱case, box, chest, trunk
zhào召召imperial decree; summon
yàn厌厌dislike, detest, reject; satiate
吕吕surname; a musical note
籍籍record, register, list; census
碧碧jade; green, blue
bīng冰冰ice; ice-cold
chén晨晨early morning, daybreak
tāo涛涛large waves
biàn辨辨distinguish, discriminate
dìng订订draw up agreement; arrange
zhí植植plant, trees, plants; grow
哭哭weep, cry, wail
chī痴痴foolish, stupid, dumb, silly
wěn稳稳stable, firm, solid, steady
guī瑰瑰extraordinary, fabulous; rose
析析split wood; break apart; divide
diào钓钓fish; fishhook; tempt, lure
jié杰杰hero; outstanding, remarkable
xuān轩轩carriage; high; wide; balcony;surname of the Yellow Emperor
jiān坚坚hard, strong, firm; resolute
qín勤勤industrious, diligent, attentive
qiáo桥桥bridge; beam, crosspiece
zhū珠珠precious stone, gem, jewel,pearl
lǎn懒懒lazy, languid, listless
nóng浓浓thick, strong, concentrated
xián贤贤virtuous, worthy, good; able
悟悟to apprehend, realize, become aware
丝丝silk; fine thread; wire; strings
磨磨grind; polish; rub; wear out; amillstone
露露dew; bare, open, exposed
jiǎn剪剪scissors; cut, divide, separate
sēn森森forest; luxuriant vegetation
逼逼compel, pressure, force; bother
wēi危危dangerous, precarious; high
xuán玄玄deep, profound, abstruse
zhān占占divine; observe; versify
nuǎn暖暖warm, genial
duǒ躲躲hide, secrete; avoid, escape
guàn惯惯habit, custom; habitually,usually
luò洛洛river in Shanxi province; city
chén尘尘dust, dirt, ashes, cinders
zhēng症症obstruction of bowels
布布cotton cloth, textiles, linen
dǎng挡挡obstruct, impede; stop; resist
爸爸father, papa
敝敝break, destroy; broken, tattered
jiē阶阶stairs, steps; rank, degree
ài碍碍obstruct, hinder, block, deter
xià夏夏summer; great, grand, big
hēng亨亨smoothly, progressing, notrouble
谊谊friendship; appropriate,suitable
xùn逊逊humble, modest; yield
píng瓶瓶jug, pitcher, vase, jar, bottle
蜜蜜honey; sweet; nectar
pàn盼盼look, gaze; expect, hope for
cǎn惨惨sad, pitiful, wretched; cruel
姆姆child's governess; matron
jiè械械weapons; implements, instruments
赋赋tax; give; endow; army; diffuse
yǐn隐隐hide, conceal; hidden, secret
bīn彬彬cultivated, well-bred
fēng丰丰abundant, lush, bountiful,plenty
壁壁partition wall; walls of a house
旅旅trip, journey; travel; traveler
jiǎo缴缴deliver, submit; hand over
椰椰palm tree, coconut palm
jié捷捷win, victory, triumph
wáng亡亡death, destroyed; lose, perish
乏乏lack; poor
汽汽steam, vapor, gas
jiè戒戒warn, caution, admonish
bèi贝贝sea shell; money, currency
hàn憾憾to regret, remorse; dissatisfied
niáng娘娘mother; young girl; woman; wife
滴滴drip; drop of water
hán寒寒cold, wintry, chilly
sāng桑桑mulberry tree; surname
zāo遭遭come across, meet with,encounter
fēi菲菲fragrant, luxuriant; thePhilippines
chuī吹吹blow; puff; brag, boast
xián嫌嫌hate, detest; suspect; criticize
愉愉pleasant, delightful; please
zhēn珍珍precious, valuable, rare
爬爬crawl, creep; climb; scramble
líng零零zero; fragment, fraction
nǎo恼恼angered, filled with hate
kān刊刊publication, periodical; publish
shān删删to cut; delete, erase; to geld
yóu邮邮postal, mail; post office
tàn叹叹sigh, admire
cūn村村village, hamlet; uncouth, vulgar
抵抵resist, oppose; deny; off-set
nǎi乃乃then; really, indeed; as itturned out, after all; namely
péng棚棚tent, awning; booth; shed
予予I, me; to give
zhāi摘摘pluck, pick; select; specify
lài赖赖rely, depend on; accuse falsely
jiǎng蒋蒋surname; hydropyrum latifalium
yáo摇摇wag, swing, wave; shake; scull
jiàn箭箭arrow; type of bamboo
纳纳admit, take, receive, accept
夕夕evening, night, dusk; slanted
yān烟烟smoke, soot; opium; tobacco,cigarettes
wēng翁翁old man; father, father-in-law
lún伦伦normal human relationships
shēng牲牲sacrificial animal; animal
wěi尾尾tail, extremity; end, stern
迹迹search, track, trace
miǎn勉勉endeavor, make effort; urge
浮浮to float, drift, waft; to exceed; superfluous
lái莱莱goosefoot, weed; fallow field
骨骨bone; skeleton; frame, framework
jié洁洁clean, purify, pure
bēi杯杯cup, glass
tān贪贪greedy, covet; covetous
隔隔separate, partition
qià恰恰just, exactly, precisely; proper
hóng洪洪vast, immense; flood, deluge
yuē曰曰say; KangXi radical 73
zhī织织weave, knit; organize, unite
qiáo侨侨sojourn, lodge
xún询询inquire into, ask about; consult
cāng沧沧blue, dark green; cold
zhèn振振raise, excite, arouse action
咖咖coffee; a phonetic
忽忽suddenly, abruptly; neglect
唷唷final particle
suǒ索索large rope, cable; rules, laws;to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated
kòu扣扣knock, strike, rap, tap; button
huì惠惠favor, benefit, confer kindness
cǎi采采gather, collect; pick, select
fēng峰峰peak, summit; hump of camel
bēn奔奔run fast, flee; rush about; run
席席seat; mat; take seat; banquet
yǒng泳泳dive; swim
miāo喵喵the mew of the cat
迹迹search, track, trace
胡胡beard, mustache, whiskers
涯涯shore, bank, water's edge
租租rent, lease; rental; tax
duó夺夺take by force, rob, snatch
kuǎn款款item, article; clause; fund
chāo抄抄copy, confiscate, seize
rǎo扰扰disturb, annoy, agitate
liáo疗疗be healed, cured, recover
企企plan a project; stand on tiptoe
shǔ署署public office
刺刺stab; prick, irritate; prod
shì誓誓swear, pledge; oath
fāng芳芳fragrant; virtuous; beautiful
bēi盃盃glass, cup
shǔ鼠鼠rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208
sāo骚骚harass, bother, annoy, disturb,agitate; sad, grieved
zhé折折break off, snap; bend
翼翼wings; fins on fish; shelter
pín频频frequently, again and again
屠屠butcher, slaughter, massacre
mòu冒冒risk, brave, dare
咪咪sound of cat, cat's meow; meter;(Cant.) don't!
chī痴痴foolish, stupid, dumb, silly
雾雾fog, mist, vapor, fine spray
yīn阴阴'female' principle; dark; secret
shè涉涉ford stream, wade across
zhé哲哲wise, sagacious; wise man, sage
zhēn针针needle; pin; tack; acupuncture
伊伊third person pronoun; he, she,this, that
móu谋谋plan, scheme; strategem
寂寂still, silent, quiet, desolate
牺牺sacrifice, give up; sacrificial
zuǐ嘴嘴mouth, lips
jiāo焦焦burned, scorched; anxious, vexed
倚倚rely on, depend on; lean heavily
hán涵涵soak, wet; tolerate, be lenient
霸霸rule by might rather than right
chǔ础础foundation stone, plinth
yáng扬扬scatter, spread; praise
rào绕绕entwine; wind around; surround
chén沉沉sink, submerge; addicted to
俱俱all, together; accompany
huǐ悔悔repent, show remorse, regret
霹霹thunder, crashing thunder
chóng虫虫worms; insects
坜坜hole, pit
cài菜菜vegetables; dish, order; food
唬唬to intimidate; to scare
距距distance; bird's spur
shì氏氏clan, family; mister
复复cover; tip over; return; reply
chè彻彻penetrate, pervade; penetrating
鼓鼓drum; beat, top, strike
lìn吝吝stingy, miserly, parsimonious
摩摩rub, scour, grind; friction
màn曼曼long, extended, vast; beautiful
zhèng郑郑state in today's Henan; surname
寿shòu寿寿old age, long life; lifespan
zhuāng庄庄village, hamlet; villa; surname
fěn粉粉powder, face powder; plaster
副副assist; supplement; assistant
lián廉廉upright, honorable, honest
页页page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181
yán炎炎flame, blaze; hot
shāo烧烧burn; bake; heat; roast
huò祸祸misfortune, calamity, disaster
ruò弱弱weak; fragile, delicate
hào耗耗consume, use up; waste, squander
pào炮炮large gun, cannon; artillery
shèng剩剩leftovers, residue, remains
pēi啡啡morphine; coffee
dòu豆豆beans, peas; bean-shaped
肚肚belly; abdomen; bowels
tàn探探find, locate; search, grope for
gòng贡贡offer tribute; tribute, gifts
nài耐耐endure, bear; resist; patient
鼻鼻nose; first; KangXi radical 209
祖祖ancestor, forefather;grandfather
挖挖dig, dig out, gouge out, scoop
biàn遍遍everywhere, all over, throughout
mào貌貌countenance, appearance
xiāo萧萧common artemisia; soughing ofwind > mournful; dejected
juān捐捐contribute; give up, renounce
握握grasp, hold fast, take by hand
róng融融melt, fuse; blend, harmonize
chóu愁愁anxiety; to worry about, beanxious
jīn筋筋muscles; tendons
guī龟龟turtle or tortoise; cuckold
yún云云clouds; Yunnan province
āi哀哀sad, mournful, pitiful; pity
稣稣revive, to rise again; collect
jiǎn捡捡to pick up
yán延延delay, postpone, defer
bǎo饱饱eat heartily; eat one's fill
库库armory, treasury, storehouse
lóng隆隆prosperous, plentiful, abundant
雳雳thunderclap, crashing thunder
méng盟盟swear; oath, covenant, alliance
míng鸣鸣cry of bird or animal; makesound
shǎ傻傻foolish, silly, stupid; animbecile
fèng奉奉offer; receive; serve; respect
méi眉眉eyebrows; upper margin of book
rán燃燃burn; light fire, ignite
固固to become solid, solidify;strength
shì饰饰decorate, ornament, adorn; todeceive
秘秘secret, mysterious, abstruse
huì绘绘draw, sketch, paint
juàn卷卷scroll; curl; make a comeback
黎黎surname; numerous, many; black
搭搭join together, attach to; add to
juàn卷卷scroll; curl; make a comeback
zhāo昭昭bright, luminous; illustrious
huī恢恢restore; big, great, immense,vast
zhù宁宁repose, serenity, peace;peaceful
qiáo瞧瞧glance at, look at, see
tuō托托to hold up with palm; tosupport, rely on
máng茫茫vast, boundless, widespread
biàn辩辩dispute, argue, debate, discuss
幅幅piece, strip, breadth of, hem
复复cover; tip over; return; reply
迪迪enlighten, advance; progress
chǎo吵吵argue, dispute; disturb, annoy
liǔ柳柳willow tree; pleasure
ěr耳耳ear; merely, only; handle
瑜瑜flawless gem or jewel
xián閒閒peaceful, tranquil, calm
máo矛矛spear, lance; KangXi radical 110
拨拨move; dispel; distribute;plectrum, play stringed instrument
diào吊吊condole, mourn, pity; hang
shěn沈沈juice; liquid; water; leak, pour
hóu侯侯marquis, lord; target in archery
shēng升升arise, go up; hoist; advance
玛玛agate; cornelian
pàng胖胖fat, obese; fatty
chēng撑撑prop up, support; brace; to pushoff (with a pole)
dīng丁丁male adult; robust, vigorous;4th heavenly stem
薄薄thin, slight, weak; poor, stingy
miào妙妙mysterious, subtle; exquisite
dūn敦敦esteem; honest, candid, sincere
cán残残injure, spoil; oppress; broken
挤挤crowd, squeeze, push against
wéi违违disobey, violate, defy; be apartfrom
墨墨ink; writing
shāo稍稍little, slightly; rather
琪琪type of jade
méi媒媒go-between, matchmaker; medium
líng凌凌pure; virtuous; insult; maltreat
yōu忧忧sad, grieved; grief, melancholy
侧侧side; incline, slant, lean
xiāo销销melt, fuse; market, sell; topass time, finish, cancel
fēng枫枫maple tree
ēn恩恩kindness, mercy, charity
yán颜颜face, facial appearance
梯梯ladder, steps, stairs; lean
chuán船船ship, boat, vessel
liáng梁梁bridge; beam; rafters; surname
nài奈奈but, how; bear, stand, endure
yìng映映project; reflect light
儒儒Confucian scholar
jǐng井井well, mine shaft, pit
yǎo咬咬bite, gnaw
pīn拼拼join together, link, incorporate
lán岚岚mountain mist, mountain haze
屋屋house; room; building, shelter
lǎn览览look at, inspect; perceive
chéng乘乘ride, ascend; avail oneself of;numerary adjunct for vehicles
兔兔rabbit, hare
jīng京京capital city
怖怖terror, fear; frighten;terrified
jiè藉藉mat, pad; rely on; pretext
稿gǎo稿稿draft, manuscript, rough copy
dòng洞洞cave, grotto; ravine; hole
齿chǐ齿齿teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXiradical 211
chuān川川stream, river; flow; boil
狱狱prison, jail; case; lawsuit
xiàn宪宪constitution, statute, law
爷爷father, grandfather
拟拟draft; intend, plan, propose
mài迈迈take a big stride; pass by
qǐn寝寝sleep, rest; bed chamber
mèn闷闷gloomy, depressed, melancholy
sāi塞塞stop up, block, seal, cork;pass, frontier; fortress
qiáo乔乔tall, lofty; proud, stately
bèi倍倍times, fold, multiple times
姿姿姿one's manner, carriage, bearing
户户door; family, household
zōng踪踪footprints, traces, tracks
bǎi摆摆put, place; display; swing, sway
bīn宾宾guest, visitor; surname; submit
zhuō桌桌table, desk, stand
jiā家家house, home, residence; family
域域district, region, boundary; land
hóng弘弘enlarge, expand; liberal, great
láo劳劳labor, toil, do manual work
yùn韵韵rhyme; vowel
zhuàn赚赚make money, earn; gain, profit
lǐng岭岭mountain ridge, mountain peak
huáng皇皇royal, imperial; ruler, superior
咦咦expression of surprise
táo逃逃escape, flee; abscond, dodge
裤裤trousers, pants
鸿hóng鸿鸿species of wild swan; vast
壳壳casing, shell, husk, hull, skin
héng横横across, horizontal, lateral
xiào孝孝filial piety, obedience;mourning
牙牙tooth, molars, teeth; serrated
chóu仇仇enemy, hate, hatred, enmity
tuō拖拖drag, tow, haul; delay, prolong
誉誉fame, reputation; praise
齐齐even, uniform, of equal length
妮妮maid, servant girl; cute girl
nóng农农agriculture, farming; farmer
惧惧fear, be afraid of, dread
gǔn滚滚turn, roll, rotate; boil
促促urge, press, hurry; close
zhàng障障separate; shield; barricade
shǐ驶驶sail, drive, pilot; fast, quick
bān搬搬transfer, move, remove, shift
téng疼疼aches, pains; be fond of; love
nǎi奶奶milk; woman's breasts; nurse
xiōng凶凶culprit; murder; bad, sad
乌乌crow, rook, raven; black, dark
粗粗rough, thick, course; rude
liǎo了了to finish; particle of completedaction
shuǎ耍耍frolic, play, amuse, play with
sōng松松lax, loose; loosen, relax
gāo糕糕cakes, pastry
dài戴戴wear on top; support
zhòng仲仲middle brother; go between,mediator; surname
谱谱register, list, table; musicalscore
liè裂裂split, crack, break open; rend
酷酷strong, stimulating; very
yín吟吟sing, hum; recite; type ofpoetry
棋棋chess; any game similar to chess
tuó陀陀steep bank, rough terrain
xià吓吓scare, frighten; intimidate
赌赌bet, gamble, wager; compete
摸摸gently touch with hand; caress
jué爵爵feudal title or rank
é额额forehead; tablet, plaque; fixed
zāi哉哉final exclamatory particle
guā瓜瓜melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97
kuī亏亏lose, fail; damage; deficient
役役service; a servant, laborer; toserve
guō锅锅cooking-pot, saucepan
yuàn怨怨hatred, enmity, resentment
shuā刷刷brush; clean with brush, scrub
rǎn染染dye; be contagious; infect
旭旭rising sun; brilliance; radiant
迫迫coerce, force, compel; urgent
qíng晴晴clear weather, fine weather
zuì醉醉intoxicated, drunk; addicted to
suǒ锁锁lock, padlock; shackles, chains
kuò阔阔broad, ample, wide; be apart
zhèn震震shake, quake, tremor; excite
xiè洩洩leak, drip; vent or release
chuáng床床bed, couch; framework, chassis
wán顽顽obstinate, stubborn;recalcitrant
nào闹闹quarrel; dispute hotly
牧牧tend cattle, shepherd
pèi佩佩belt ornament, pendant; wear atwaist, tie to the belt; respect
契契deed, contract, bond; engrave
tuō牠牠it; polled cattle
hōng轰轰rumble, explosion, blast
徐徐slowly, quietly, calmly;composed, dignified
xiū羞羞disgrace, shame; ashamed; shy
chǐ尺尺Chinese measure approx. 'foot'
shí十十pick up, collect, tidy up;accounting form of the numeral ten
gàn干干trunk of tree or of human body
jǐn锦锦brocade, tapestry; embroidered
cháo潮潮tide; moist, wet, damp; flow
逆逆disobey, rebel; rebel, traitor
mào帽帽hat, cap; cap-like tops
duò堕堕fall, sink, let fall; degenerate
shèng盛盛abundant, flourishing; contain;fill
jiā夹夹be wedged or inserted between
sūn孙孙grandchild, descendent; surname
zhī枝枝branches, limbs; branch off
屁屁break wind; fart; buttocks
瓦瓦tile; earthenware pottery; girl
jìng净净clean, pure; cleanse
zhōu舟舟boat, ship; KangXi radical 137
kǎi凯凯triumphant; triumph, victory
zhuàng撞撞knock against, bump into,collide
惹惹irritate, vex, offend, incite
huí迴迴revolve, rotate; curving, zigzag
shū疏疏neglect; careless, lax
sǔn损损diminish; impair; injure
huǒ伙伙companion, colleague; utensils
qiáo翘翘turn up, lift, elevate, raise
qiān牵牵drag, pull, lead by hand
āi哎哎interjection of surprise
厉厉whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet
zòng综综arrange threads for weaving
huò惑惑confuse, mislead, baffle; doubt
gāng纲纲heavy rope, hawser; main points
yáng羊羊sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123
shàn扇扇fan; door panel
dōng冬冬winter, 11th lunar month
zhù驻驻to be stationed at, reside at;to stop
táo桃桃peach; marriage; surname
píng屏屏folding screen, shield
kān堪堪adequately capable of, worthy of
mián眠眠close eyes, sleep; hibernate
弥弥extensive, full; fill; complete
伍伍five, company of five; troops
guàn贯贯a string of 1000 coins; to gothrough
溪溪mountain stream, creek
愚愚stupid, doltish, foolish
piāo飘飘whirlwind, cyclone; floating
tái抬抬lift, carry
tài泰泰great, exalted, superior; big
wèi喂喂interjection to call attention
sòng宋宋Song dynasty; surname
jìng靖靖pacify; appease; calm, peaceful
quān圈圈to circle; a circle; corral
hěn狠狠vicious, cruel; severely,extreme
jìng竞竞contend, vie, compete
bǐng饼饼rice-cakes, biscuits
shǎn闪闪flash; avoid, dodge, evade
níng凝凝coagulate; congeal; freeze
zòng纵纵indulge in, give free reign to
lín邻邻neighbor; neighborhood
chóng崇崇esteem, honor, revere, venerate
擦擦wipe, scrub, rub, scour; brush
huá滑滑slip, slide; slippery, polished
滋滋grow, multiply, increase; thrive
乙乙second; 2nd heavenly stem
kūn坤坤earth; feminine, female
俗俗social customs; vulgar,unrefined
qiǎn浅浅shallow, not deep; superficial
zāi灾灾calamity, disaster, catastrophe
lián莲莲lotus, water lily; paradise
shā莎莎kind of sedge grass, usedanciently for raincoats
紫紫purple, violet; amethyst;surname
毅毅resolute, decisive, firm,persist
gōu沟沟ditch, drain, narrow waterway
卒卒soldier; servant; at last,finally
xuán旋旋revolve, move in orbit; return
shè摄摄take in, absorb; act as deputy;administer, assist
zhēng征征summon, recruit; musical note
cōng聪聪intelligent, clever, bright
zèng赠赠give present; bestow, confer
huǐ毁毁destroy, ruin, injure; slander
dòu斗斗struggle, fight, compete,contend
tíng庭庭courtyard; spacious hall or yard
pāo抛抛throw (away), abandon, reject
mài麦麦wheat, barley, oats; KangXiradical number 199
qín秦秦feudal state of Qin; the Qindynasty (from which the name 'China' comes)
miáo描描copy, trace, sketch; depict
辱辱humiliate, insult, abuse
fáng妨妨interfere with, impede, obstruct
涂涂smear, daub, apply, spread;paint
勒勒strangle, tighten
披披wear; split; crack
仪仪ceremony, rites gifts; admire
yǔn允允to grant, to allow, to consent
péi陪陪accompany, be with, keep company
zhēn侦侦spy, reconnoiter; detective
bǎng榜榜placard; list of successful examcandidates
欲欲desire, want, long for; intend
bǎn板板boss, the owner, person incharge
huǒ夥夥companion; partner; assistant
慕慕long for, desire; admire
lǎng朗朗clear, bright; distinct
耀yào耀耀shine, sparkle, dazzle; glory
笛笛bamboo flute; whistle
xiàn献献offer, present; show, display
jié劫劫take by force, coerce; disaster
shěn审审examine, investigate; judge
mèi魅魅kind of forest demon, elf
xiè蟹蟹crab, brachyura
qīn钦钦respect, admire; respectful
xiàng巷巷alley, lane
wèi慰慰comfort, console, calm
liàng谅谅excuse, forgive; guess, presume
荷荷lotus, water lily, holland
姊姊elder sister
tǐng挺挺to stand upright, straighten;rigid
zhú逐逐chase, expel; one by one
矣矣particle of completed action
踏踏step on, trample, tread on, walk
xùn迅迅quick, hasty, rapid, sudden
àn岸岸bank, shore; beach, coast
chán禅禅meditation, contemplation(dhyana); to level ground for altar; abdicate
葛葛edible bean; surname
qiān迁迁move, shift, change; transfer
卧卧lie down; crouch
鹿鹿鹿deer; surname; KangXi radical198
qià洽洽to blend with, be in harmony; topenetrate; to cover; a river in Shenxi
chèng秤秤balance, scale, steelyard
寞寞silent, still, lonely, solitary
péng彭彭name of ancient country; surname
bāng邦邦nation, country, state
jiān肩肩shoulders; to shoulder; bear
téng藤藤rattan, cane; creeper plant
zàn赞赞help, support, assist, aid
quán拳拳fist; various forms of boxing
bǐng丙丙third; 3rd heavenly stem
阻阻impede, hinder, obstruct; oppose
hén痕痕scar; mark; trace
miàn面面flour, dough, noodles
液液sap, juice, liquid, fluid
shū殊殊different, special, unusual
zhǎng涨涨rise in price
píng凭凭lean on, depend on, rely on
xún巡巡patrol, go on circuit, cruise
拒拒ward off with hand, defend
kǎo烤烤bake, roast, toast, cook
chí池池pool, pond; moat; cistern
jiàn贱贱mean, low; cheap, worthless
xié邪邪wrong, evil, depraved, vicious,perverse, heterodox
zhàng丈丈unit of length equal 3.3 meters;gentleman, man, husband
háng航航sail; navigate; ship, boat
趋趋hasten, hurry; be attracted to
驱驱spur a horse on; expel, driveaway
沿yán沿沿follow course, go along
cái裁裁cut out; decrease
làn滥滥flood, overflow; excessive
xiáng翔翔soar, glide, hover; detailed
cuò措措place; collect, arrange; employ
tián填填fill in, fill up; make good
mo么么interrogative final particle;insignificant, small, tiny
ào奥奥mysterious, obscure, profound
niǔ扭扭turn, twist, wrench; seize,grasp
hán函函correspondence; a case; a box
zhuō捉捉grasp, clutch; catch, seize
zhèn镇镇town, market place; suppress
wǎn碗碗bowl, small dish
炉炉fireplace, stove, oven, furnace
kuān宽宽broad, wide; spacious, vast
zāng脏脏dirty; firm; fat
颇颇lean one side; very, rather
shū叔叔father's younger brother
qiāng枪枪spear, lance; gun, rifle
秘秘secret, mysterious, abstruse
yáo遥遥far away, distant, remote
yāo腰腰waist; kidney
qiōng穹穹high and vast; elevated; arched
漠漠desert; aloof, indifferent, cool
chì翅翅wings; fin
余余surplus, excess, remainder
fēng锋锋point of spear, sharp point
jiāo胶胶glue, gum, resin, rubber
tuǒ妥妥satisfactory, appropriate
cuī摧摧destroy, break, injure
yáo谣谣sing; folksong, ballad; rumor
栗栗shiver, shudder, tremble;tremble
gāng缸缸earthen jug, crock, cistern
máng芒芒Miscanthus sinensis
shòu瘦瘦thin, emaciated, lean; meager
líng陵陵hill, mound; mausoleum
jūn钧钧equal, even, all uniform
wén雯雯cloud patterns, coloring ofcloud
匿匿hide; go into hiding
guǐ轨轨track, rut, path
zhuān砖砖tile, brick
xiā虾虾shrimp, prawn
嘘嘘exhale; blow out; deep sigh;hiss; praise, flatter; lie
cùn寸寸inch; small, tiny; rad. no. 41
缚缚to tie
yōu呦呦the bleating of the deer
嘟嘟sound of horn tooting
洒洒sprinkle, splash; scatter, throw
pén盆盆basin, tub, pot, bowl
zhēn贞贞virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal
zhài债债debt, loan, liabilities
fēng蜂蜂bee, wasp, hornet
xiá霞霞rosy clouds
zuàn钻钻drill, bore; pierce; diamond
wǎn挽挽mourn; pull; draw
厕厕toilet, lavatory; mingle with
xiāo逍逍ramble, stroll, jaunt, loiter
鹤鹤crane; Grus species (various)
pàn畔畔boundary path dividing fields
shuāi摔摔fall ground, stumble, trip
yùn蕴蕴collect, gather, store;profound; (Budd.) skandha
盒盒small box or case; casket
jǐng颈颈neck, throat
chóng虫虫worms; insects
huò获获harvest, cut grain
fēn氛氛gas, vapor, air
wèi畏畏fear, dread, awe, reverence
qiǎo悄悄silent, quiet, still; anxious
wèi喂喂interjection to call attention
lín霖霖long spell of rain, copious rain
脾脾spleen, pancreas; disposition
kuì愧愧ashamed, conscience-stricken
姬姬beauty; imperial concubine
xié斜斜slanting, sloping, inclined
赴赴go to; attend, be present
shī尸尸corpse, carcass
náng囊囊bag, purse, sack; put in bag
xún循循obey, comply with, follow
zào噪噪be noisy; chirp loudly
liǎ俩俩clever, skilled; two, pair
熄熄put out, extinguish, quash
bǎo堡堡fort, fortress; town, village
锡锡tin, stannum; bestow, confer
wàng旺旺prosper; prosperous; increase
jué诀诀take leave of, bid farewell
è恶恶evil, wicked, bad, foul
zhào肇肇begin, commence, originate
cha叉叉crotch; fork, prong
zhāng璋璋jade plaything; jade ornament
yàn燕燕swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy
yūn晕晕halo in sky; fog; dizzy, faint
jīn津津ferry; saliva; ford
zhuó浊浊muddy, turbid, dirty, filthy
chén臣臣minister, statesman, official
伐伐cut down, subjugate, attack
sāng丧丧mourning; mourn; funeral
xiá峡峡gorge, strait, ravine; isthmus
mào茂茂thick, lush, dense; talented
qiè窃窃secretly, stealthily; steal;thief
椅椅chair, seat
chán缠缠wrap, wind around; tie, bind
tǎng倘倘if, supposing, in event of
xíng刑刑punishment, penalty; law
huāng慌慌nervous, panicky, frantic
脉脉blood vessels, veins, arteries
kuǎ垮垮be defeated, fail, collapse
shān杉杉various species of pine and fir
帕帕turban, kerchief, veil; wrap
泊泊anchor vessel; lie at anchor
yíng莹莹lustre of gems; bright, lustrous
撒撒release, cast away, let go;disperse; relax
琦琦gem, precious stone, jade
递递hand over, deliver; substitute
xiāng厢厢side-room, wing; theatre box
疲疲feel tired, be exhausted; weak
miǎo渺渺endlessly long, boundless, vast
gǎn杆杆pole; stick; club; pole as unit
zāng脏脏dirty; firm; fat
chèn趁趁take advantage of, avail oneself
xuē削削scrape off, pare, trim
qiàn欠欠owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76
yíng盈盈fill; full, overflowing; surplus
nvè虐虐cruel, harsh, oppressive
huǎng晃晃bright, dazzling; to sway, shake
yàn豔豔plump, voluptuous, beautiful
wéi薇薇Osmunda regalis, a species offern
牡牡male of animals; bolt of door
méi霉霉mildew, mold; moldy, mildewed
shèn慎慎act with care, be cautious
yǎn衍衍overflow, spill over, spread out
粒粒grain; small particle
腊腊year end sacrifice; dried meat
系系attach, connect, unite, fasten
xuǎn喧喧lively, noisy; clamor, talkloudly
juàn倦倦be tired of, weary
娶娶marry, take wife
liū溜溜slide, glide, slip; slippery
suì遂遂comply with, follow along;there upon
zūn遵遵obey, comply with, follow; honor
zhēng睁睁to open the eyes; stare
腐腐rot, decay, spoil; rotten
qún裙裙skirt, apron, petticoat
疾疾illness, disease, sickness; tohate
wéi韦韦tanned leather; surname; KangXiradical number 178
鸭鸭duck; Anas species (various)
shǐ矢矢arrow, dart; vow, swear
伺伺serve, wait upon, attend;examine
láo牢牢prison; stable, pen; secure
dīng钉钉nail, spike; pursue closely
liè劣劣bad, inferior; slightly
yīng婴婴baby, infant; bother
huàn患患suffer, worry about; suffering
蓄蓄store, save, hoard, gather
jiān奸奸adultery, debauchery; debauch
chéng呈呈submit, show; appear; petition
廿niàn廿廿twenty, twentieth
hún浑浑muddy, turbid; blend, merge, mix
堵堵wall; stop, prevent; stop up
剂剂medicinal preparation
zàng葬葬bury, inter
yāo妖妖strange, weird, supernatural
péng蓬蓬type of raspberry; fairyland
鸦鸦crow, raven; Corvus species(various)
塑塑model in clay, sculpt; plastics
cháng尝尝taste; experience, experiment
biāo飙飙whirlwind, stormy gale
āi挨挨near, close by, next to,towards, against; to wait; to lean on
伏伏crouch, crawl, lie hidden,conceal
lěi蕾蕾buds, unopened flowers
弊弊evil, wrong, bad; criminal
xuán璿璿fine jade
bàn扮扮dress up; dress up as
zhì挚挚sincere, warm, cordial; surname
nóng侬侬I; you; family name
quàn券券certificate, ticket; title deeds
渴渴thirsty, parched; yearn, pine
chú厨厨kitchen; closet; cupboard
wāi歪歪slant; inclined; askewd, awry
chún醇醇rich, good as wine; pure,unmixed
miáo苗苗sprouts; Miao nationality
shēn呻呻groan, moan; recite withintonation
hàn汗汗perspiration, sweat
huò霍霍quickly, suddenly; surname
táo陶陶pottery, ceramics
dòng栋栋the main beams supporting ahouse
jiāng浆浆any thick fluid; starch; broth
lín琳琳beautiful jade, gem
róng蓉蓉hibiscus; Chengdu, Sichuan
暨暨and; attain, reach; confines
mái埋埋bury, secrete, conceal
bīn滨滨beach, sea coast; river bank
ruì叡叡astute, profound, shrewd
履履footwear, shoes; walk on, tread
lāo捞捞scoop out of water; dredge, fish
bìng并并combine, annex
咕咕mumble, mutter, murmur; rumble
泣泣cry, sob, weep
gēng耕耕plow, cultivate
téng腾腾fly; gallop; run; prance; rise
mián棉棉cotton; cotton padded
柯柯axe-handle; stalk, bough;surname
shuò烁烁shine, glitter, sparkle
cuī催催press, urge
wèi尉尉officer, military rank
chàng畅畅smoothly, freely, unrestrained
jiān艰艰difficult, hard; distressing
gōu勾勾hook, join, connect; entice
yīng樱樱cherry, cherry blossom
ruǎn阮阮ancient musical instrument:surname
péng鹏鹏fabulous bird of enormous size
chì斥斥to scold, upbraid, accuse,reproach
zhēng蒸蒸steam; evaporate
sōu搜搜search, seek; investigate
yán癌癌cancer; marmoset
cǎi踩踩step on
wěi纬纬woof; parallels of latitude
fǎn返返return, revert to, restore
jùn菌菌mushroom; germ, microbe
tán坛坛an earthenware jar, a jug
piě撇撇discard, abandon, throw away
chuí垂垂let down; suspend, hand; down
chéng惩惩punish, reprimand; warn
huàn唤唤call, summon; invite; be called
bǎng绑绑bind, tie, fasten
chǔ储储to save money, store, reserve;an heir
甫甫begin; man, father; great
fàn贩贩peddler, hawker, street merchant
bēng崩崩rupture, split apart, collapse
cōng匆匆hastily, in haste, hurriedly
魄魄vigor; body; dark part of moon
tiān添添append, add to; increase
拂拂shake off, brush away; dust
kēng坑坑pit, hole; bury, trap; harry
tài汰汰excessive; scour, wash out
chái柴柴firewood, faggots, fuel
máng氓氓people; subjects; vassals
xiē歇歇rest, stop, lodge
táng糖糖sugar; candy; sweets
luó萝萝type of creeping plant; turnip
kūn昆昆elder brother; descendants
呒呒unclear; an expletive
暮暮evening, dusk, sunset; ending
guì柜柜cupboard, wardrobe, counter
fán蕃蕃foreign things
juān娟娟beautiful, graceful
曝曝sun, air in sun, expose or dryin the sun
腹腹stomach, belly, abdomen; inside
疋疋roll, bolt of cloth; foot
xiàng向向once upon time; period of time
fàn泛泛to drift, float; careless,reckless
稀稀rare, unusual, scarce; sparse
zhú烛烛candle, taper; to shine,illuminate
兹兹now, here; this; time, year
腻腻greasy, oily, dirty; smooth
抑抑press down, repress; curb,hinder
xiāng襄襄aid, help, assist; undress
携携lead by hand, take with; carry
zhuāng妆妆to adorn oneself, dress up, use make-up
芭芭plantain or banana palm;fragrant
suǐ髓髓bone marrow; essences,substances
kuàng框框frame; framework; door frame
朴朴simple, honest; plain; rough
páng彷彷like, resembling; resemble
shǔ薯薯yam, tuber, potato
guàn罐罐jar, jug, pitcher, pot
sòng颂颂laud, acclaim; hymn; ode
xiē薛薛kind of marsh grass; feudal state
kǎo拷拷torture and interrogate; hit
tān滩滩bank, a sandbar, shoal; rapids
píng萍萍duckweed; wandering, traveling
橘橘orange, tangerine
èr贰贰number two
袭袭raid, attack; inherit
cháo嘲嘲ridicule, deride, scorn, jeer at
叙叙express, state, relate, narrate
tàn叹叹sigh, admire
wěn吻吻kiss; the lips; coinciding
méi枚枚stalk of shrub, trunk of tree
仿fǎng仿仿imitate, copy; as if
侮侮insult, ridicule, disgrace
zéi贼贼thief, traitor
bào豹豹leopard, panther; surname
jié羯羯wether, castrated ram; deer skin
cháo巢巢nest, living quarter in tree
浴浴bathe, wash; bath
chóu酬酬toast; reward, recompense
体体body; group, class, body, unit
bēi碑碑stone tablet; gravestone
cuì翠翠color green; kingfisher
piān翩翩fly, flutter
càn灿灿vivid, illuminating; bright
qiāo敲敲strike, beat, pound, hammer; rap
liáo辽辽distant, far
xié胁胁ribs; armpits; flank; threaten
kuàng矿矿mine; mineral, ore
侣侣companion; associate with
屡屡frequently, often, again and again
qiǎn谴谴reprimand, scold, abuse
zhì秩秩order; orderly; salary; decade
luǎn卵卵egg; ovum; roe; spawn
yòu佑佑help, protect, bless
zhuàn撰撰compose, write, compile
jǐn谨谨prudent, cautious; attentive
pān攀攀climb; pull; hang on to
guǎ寡寡widowed; alone, friendless
肌肌muscle tissue; meat on bones
yuè岳岳mountain peak; surname
féng冯冯surname; gallop; by dint of
péi赔赔indemnify, suffer loss
yàn宴宴to entertain, feast; a feast,banquet
yǎn掩掩to cover (with the hand); shut,conceal; ambush
zhǎn盏盏small cup or container;classifier for lamps, etc.
chí匙匙spoon; surname
bǎn坂坂hillside farmland; slope
cáo曹曹ministry officials; surname
浦浦bank of river, shore; surname
niǔ纽纽knot; button; handle, knob; tie
jiā迦迦character for transliteration
qiān签签sign, endorse; slip of paper
bān颁颁confer, bestow; publish,promulgate
jìn晋晋advance, increase; promote
liàn炼炼smelt, refine; distill, condense
喻喻metaphor, analogy; example; like
尬尬limp, staggering gait; embarrass
mián绵绵cotton wad; wool; soft, downy
zhàng胀胀swell, inflate, expand
yǒng咏咏sing, hum, chant
辟辟law, rule; open up, develop
tān摊摊spread out, open; apportion
sāo艘艘counter for ships, vessels
xīn馨馨fragrant, aromatic; distant fragrance
zhū株株numerary adjunct for trees; root
zhī只只single, one of pair, lone
yùn孕孕be pregnant, pregnancy
xiāng湘湘Hunan province
jié杰杰hero; outstanding, remarkable
饲饲raise animals; feed; nourish
拘拘restrain, seize, detain
diē爹爹father, daddy
yo哟哟ah, final particle
梨梨pear; opera; cut, slash
xiàn羡羡envy, admire; praise; covet
lou喽喽subordinate in a gang of bandits
肤肤skin; superficial, shallow
shì侍侍serve, attend upon; attendant,servant; samurai
疫疫epidemic, plague, pestilence
páo袍袍long gown, robe, cloak
diāo雕雕engrave, inlay, carve; exhaust;used for U+9D70 鵰 an eagle, vulture
zhào罩罩basket for catching fish; cover
àn黯黯dark, black; sullen, dreary
pàn叛叛rebel; rebellion; rebellious
bìng并并combine, annex
御御defend, resist, hold out against
谜谜riddle, conundrum; puzzle
弗弗not, negative
jià嫁嫁to marry, give a daughter inmarriage
zhuǎ爪爪claw, nail, talon; animal feet
miào庙庙temple, shrine; imperial court
鄙鄙mean; low
cháng肠肠intestines; emotions; sausage
chāi钗钗ornamental hairpin
zāi栽栽to cultivate, plant; to care forplants
pān潘潘surname; water in which rice hasbeen rinsed; a river that flows into the Han
埔埔plain, arena; port, market
谘谘consult, confer; communicate in
bǐng柄柄handle, lever, knob; authority
zhān占占divine; observe; versify
悸悸fearful, apprehensive, perturbed
lán拦拦obstruct, impede, bar, hinder
hóu喉喉throat, gullet, larynx; guttural
huáng煌煌bright, shining, luminous
shàn擅擅monopolize; claim; arbitrarily;to dare
é俄俄sudden(ly), soon; Russian
劈劈cut apart, split, chop
zhá札札letter, note; correspondence
bǐng秉秉grasp, hold; bundle; authority
zòu骤骤procedure; gallop; sudden(ly)
zhǐ芷芷angelica, type of iris
陌陌foot path between rice fields
luǒ裸裸bare, nude; undress, strip
chéng澄澄purify water by allowing sediment to settle; clear, pure
qiāng锵锵tinkle, clang, jingle
cāng仓仓granary; berth; sea
jiǎ贾贾surname; merchant; buy, trade
fěi匪匪bandits, robbers, gangsters
dòu逗逗tempt, allure, arouse, stir
xiāo宵宵night, evening, dark
寓寓residence; lodge; dwell
niǔ钮钮button, knob; surname
dōng咚咚used as description of sound
gǎng岗岗post; position
璞璞unpolished gem, uncarved gem
dàng荡荡pond, pool; wash away, cleanse
tàng烫烫scald, heat; wash; iron clothes
xiè卸卸lay down; retire from office
qiān铅铅lead plumbum
zhǐ旨旨purpose, aim; excellent
xiào啸啸roar, howl, scream; whistle
zòng粽粽dumpling made of glutinous rice
bǐng炳炳bright, luminous; glorious
mào贸贸trade, barter; mixed; rashly
shé舌舌tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135
shù竖竖vertical; perpendicular; upright
历历take place, past, history
huáng惶惶fearful, afraid, anxious,nervous
dīng叮叮exhort or enjoin repeatedly
shì仕仕official; serve government
zhòu咒咒curse, damn, incantation
nuó挪挪move, shift on one side
yào钥钥key; lock
zhà栅栅fence; palisade; grid
迄迄extend, reach; until; till
祭祭sacrifice to, worship
qǐng顷顷a moment; a measure of areaequal to 100 mu or 6.7 hectares; to lean
屈屈bend, flex; bent, crooked;crouch
zhǎi窄窄narrow, tight; narrow-minded
lòu陋陋narrow; crude, coarse; ugly
ōu鸥鸥seagull, tern; Larus species(various)
lián鲢鲢silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys moritrix
睹睹look at, gaze at; observe
jiāo郊郊suburbs; waste land, open spaces
mèi媚媚charming, attractive; flatter
qiàn倩倩beautiful, lovely; son-in-law
nuó娜娜elegant, graceful, delicate
yòu诱诱persuade, entice, induce; guide
jiǎn茧茧cocoon; callus, blister
zhōng衷衷heart, from bottom of one'sheart
lěi磊磊pile of rocks or stones; great
jīng菁菁flower of leek family; turnip
shū抒抒express; eliminate; relieve
殿diàn殿殿hall; palace; temple
夷夷ancient barbarian tribes
撕撕rip, tear; buy cloth
chuò绰绰graceful, delicate; spacious
chǔn蠢蠢wriggle; stupid; silly; fat
溯溯go upstream, go against current;formerly
wéi惟惟but, however, nevertheless; only
zhuó拙拙stupid, clumsy, crude;convention
xiāo嚣嚣be noisy; treat with contempt
liáo僚僚companion, colleague; officials;bureaucracy; a pretty face
yǒng踊踊leap, jump
kuà跨跨straddle, bestride, ride; carry
zhàng杖杖cane, walking stick
bǎng膀膀upper arm; shoulder; wing
kuì溃溃flooding river; militarilydefeat
tǒng筒筒thick piece of bamboo; pipe
xiōng凶凶culprit; murder; bad, sad
wén纹纹line, streak, stripe; wrinkle
鸽鸽pigeon, dove; Columba species(various)
乳乳breast, nipples; milk, suckle
妒妒jealous, envious
zhàng仗仗rely upon; protector; fight;war, weaponry
dùn沌沌chaotic, confused; turbid, murky
zhóu轴轴axle, axletree; pivot; axis
祺祺good luck, good fortune
chè撤撤omit; remove; withdraw
呐呐raise voice, yell out loud,shout; stammer
tán潭潭deep pool, lake; deep, profound
guà卦卦fortune telling; tell fortunes
佛佛Buddha; of Buddhism; merciful percon; Buddhist image; the dead (Jap.)
líng聆聆listen, hear
guì桂桂cassia or cinnamon
栖栖perch; roost; stay
fèn愤愤resent, hate; indignant
pěng捧捧hold up in two hands
佮佮(Cant.) intensive particle
xiù袖袖sleeve; put something in sleeve
tuò唾唾spit, spit on; saliva
āi埃埃fine dust, dirt
huì汇汇collect, compile, assemble;hedgehog
壹壹number one
méi楣楣crossbeam above or under gate
赫赫bright, radiant, glowing
jiàng匠匠craftsman, artisan; workman
qiān谦谦humble, modest
huì汇汇collect, compile, assemble;hedgehog
dào悼悼grieve, mourn, lament; grieved
wèi魏魏kingdom of Wei; surname
shùn舜舜legendary ruler
cuì粹粹pure; unadulterated; select
gěng耿耿bright, shining; have guts
傅傅tutor, teacher; assist; surname
miáo瞄瞄take aim at; look at
liáo寮寮shanty, hut, shack
hóu猴猴monkey, ape; monkey-like
mán瞒瞒deceive, lie; eyes half-closed
shuāi衰衰decline, falter, decrease;weaken
jié竭竭put forth great effort; exhaust
辜辜crime, criminal offense
yīn茵茵a cushion, mattress; wormwood;Skimmia japon
kěn恳恳sincere, earnest, cordial
hǒu吼吼roar, shout; bark, howl
tǒng桶桶pail, bucket, tub; cask, keg
苛苛small, petty; harsh, rigorous
jìn浸浸soak, immerse, dip, percolate
shān衫衫shirt; robe; gown; jacket
zhěng拯拯help, save, aid; lift, raise
shùn瞬瞬wink, blink; in a wink, a flash
克克subdue, overcome; cut down
dòng冻冻freeze; cold, congeal; jelly
dòu豆豆beans, peas; bean-shaped
liè猎猎hunt; field sports
pèi沛沛abundant, full, copious; sudden
qióng琼琼jade; rare, precious; elegant
lvè掠掠rob, ransack, plunder; pass by
qīng卿卿noble, high officer
láng廊廊corridor, porch, veranda
戚戚relative; be related to; sad
凸凸protrude, bulge out, convex
zhuō卓卓profound, brilliant, lofty
jiǎo搅搅disturb, agitate, stir up
zhí殖殖breed, spawn; increase; prosper
ǎn俺俺personal pronoun, I
泼泼pour, splash, water, sprinkle;violent, malignant
zhuó酌酌serve wine; feast; deliberate
譬譬metaphor, simile, example
chàng倡倡guide, leader; lead, introduce
hàn翰翰writing brush, pen, pencil
méng朦朦condition or appearance of moon
guā刮刮to blow
jiāo蕉蕉banana; plantain
bīn斌斌refined, having both appearance
暱暱intimate, close; approach
wǎng枉枉useless, in vain; bent, crooked
huàn焕焕shining, brilliant, lustrous
liáng梁梁bridge; beam; rafters; surname
tāo掏掏take out; pull out; clean out
páng庞庞disorderly, messy; huge, big
chán蝉蝉cicada; continuous
mǐn闽闽fujian province; a river; atribe
yàn焰焰flame, blaze; glowing, blazing
zhái宅宅residence, dwelling, home; grave
狄狄tribe from northern china;surnam
lín麟麟female of Chinese unicorn
shéng绳绳rope, string, cord; measure,restrain
zǎi宰宰to slaughter; to rule
duò惰惰indolent, careless, lazy, idle
suō梭梭weaver's shuttle; go to and fro
芽芽bud, sprout, shoot
jiǎo纠纠investigate, inspect
guǒ裹裹wrap, bind; encircle, confine
cóng丛丛bush, shrub; thicket; collection
wǎn宛宛seem, as if, crooked
diāo雕雕engrave, inlay, carve; exhaust;used for U+9D70 鵰 an eagle, vulture
御御defend, resist, hold out against
ào澳澳inlet, bay; dock, bank
shú赎赎buy, redeem; ransome; atone for
毙毙kill; die violent death
zào燥燥dry, parched, arid;quick-tempered
yǐng颖颖rice tassel; sharp point; clever
tāo滔滔overflow; rushing water, atorrent
qiāng腔腔chest cavity; hollow in body
biǎn贬贬decrease, lower; censure,criticize
zhù伫伫wait; look towards; turn one'sback on
hàn悍悍courageous, brave; violent
tǎng躺躺lie down, recline
huà划划delineate, painting, picture,drawing; draw
fén坟坟grave, mound; bulge; bulging
寺寺court, office; temple, monastery
jié颉颉fly upward, soar; contest; torob
liàn炼炼smelt, refine; distill, condense
wèi胃胃stomach; gizzard of fowl
押押mortgage, pledge; deposit; topawn; to arrest, detain, guard
áng昂昂rise, raise; proud, bold;upright
gān尴尴embarrassed; ill at ease
xūn勋勋meritorious deed; merits; rank
zhàn颤颤shiver, tremble; trembling
jiāo骄骄spirited horse; haughty
dùn钝钝blunt, obtuse; dull; flat;dull-witted
bēi卑卑humble, low, inferior; despise
xīng腥腥raw meat; rank, strong-smelling
蚂蚂ant; leech
缔缔tie, join, connect; connection
墓墓grave, tomb
liáng粮粮food, grain, provisions
míng冥冥dark, gloomy, night; deep
哑哑dumb, mute; become hoarse
wàng妄妄absurd, foolish, reckless; false
bīn槟槟betelnut, areca nut
dǒng董董direct, supervise; surname
簿簿簿register, account book, notebook
lín淋淋drip, soak, drench; perfectly
斧斧axe, hatchet; chop, hew
卢卢cottage, hut; surname; black
zhǒng肿肿swell; swollen; swelling
cháng偿偿repay, recompense; restitution
lún纶纶green silk thread or tassel
yīn姻姻relatives by marriage
jiāng僵僵stiff and motionless, stock still
砸砸smash, crush, break; pound, mash
chū齣齣act; stanza; time, occasion
jiàn践践trample, tread upon, walk on
xiá辖辖linchpin of wheel; control
yīn殷殷many, great; abundant,flourishing
dūn蹲蹲squat, crouch; idle about
rùn润润soft, moist; sleek; freshen
敷敷spread, diffuse; apply, paint
tóng铜铜copper, brass, bronze cuprum
chuǎn喘喘pant, gasp, breathe heavily
máng盲盲blind; unperceptive,shortsighted
zhā扎扎pull up; pierce; struggle free
zhā扎扎pull up; pierce; struggle free
niàng酿酿brew, ferment
驳驳varicolored, variegated; mixed;contradict, argue; suddenly
yòu佑佑help, protect, bless
湿shī湿湿wet, moist, humid, damp; anillness
xiào肖肖look like, resemble, be like
còu凑凑piece together, assemble
愈愈more and more, even more
chǎo炒炒fry, saute, roast, boil, cook
suì隧隧tunnel, underground passageway,path to a tomb
尿niào尿尿urine; urinate
shì嗜嗜be fond of, have weakness for
xuè穴穴cave, den, hole; rad. no. 116
méng檬檬type of locust oracacia
jìng迳迳pass by, approach; direct
tuò拓拓expand; open up; support or push
碌碌rough, uneven, rocky; mediocre
guǐ诡诡deceive, cheat, defraud; sly
jīn襟襟lapel, collar
miù谬谬error, exaggeration; erroneous
diāo凋凋be withered, fallen; exhausted
yín淫淫obscene, licentious, lewd
guī圭圭jade pointed at top
dàng荡荡pond, pool; wash away, cleanse
kòu寇寇bandits, thieves; enemy; invade
dǐng鼎鼎large, three-legged bronze caldron
污污filthy, dirty, impure, polluted
zhǎn斩斩cut, chop, sever; behead
shào哨哨whistle, blow whistle; chirp
yáo尧尧a legendary ancient emperor-sage
倪倪feeble, tiny, young and weak
wěi伪伪false, counterfeit, bogus
yún筠筠bamboo skin; bamboo
饿è饿饿hungry; greedy for; hunger
huà桦桦type of birch
chí驰驰go quickly or swiftly; hurry
zhà诈诈cheat, defraud, swindle; trick;to feign
wén蚊蚊mosquito; gnat
jiāng姜姜surname; ginger
wēn瘟瘟epidemic, plague, pestilence
xún旬旬ten-day period; period of time
zhī肢肢human limbs; animal feet
秃秃bald, bare, stripped
cuò挫挫push down; chop down; grind
zhī脂脂fat, grease, lard; grease
cáo槽槽trough; manger; vat, tank;groove; a distillery
噢噢moan; interjection for pain, sad
扶扶support, help; protect; hold on
hàn撼撼move, shake; (Cant.) to fight
zhào兆兆omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion
xìn衅衅smear with blood in sacrifice;rift, quarrel
sēng僧僧Buddhist priest, monk; san of Sanskrit sangha
gēng庚庚7th heavenly stem
mèi昧昧obscure, dark; darken
xuàn炫炫shine, glitter; show off, flaunt
láng螂螂mantis, dung beetle
tán谭谭surname; to talk
匹匹bolt of cloth; counter forhorses
cán惭惭ashamed, humiliated; shameful
zhī芝芝sesame; a purplish or brown mushroom thought to have miraculous powers; 'a divine and relicitous plant'(Karlgren)
涩涩astringent; harsh; uneven, rough
jiān奸奸adultery, debauchery; debauch
cuī崔崔high, lofty, towering; surname
pìn聘聘engage, employ; betroth
dài贷贷lend; borrow; pardon
juàn眷眷take interest in, care for
胡胡beard, mustache, whiskers
熙熙bright, splendid, glorious
shài晒晒dry in sun, expose to sun
xīng猩猩species of orangutan
liú琉琉sparkling stone; glazed, opaque
niē捏捏pick with fingers; knead; mold
tiē帖帖invitation card; notice
绮绮fine thin silk; elegant,beautifu
pín贫贫poor, impoverished, needy
贿huì贿贿bribe; bribes; riches, wealth
shì拭拭wipe away stains with cloth
扑扑pound, beat, strike; attack
àn暗暗dark; obscure; in secret, covert
lóng笼笼cage; cage-like basket
醋醋vinegar; jealousy, envy
qiū丘丘hill; elder; empty; a name
péng膨膨to swell; swollen, bloated,inflated
diān颠颠top, peak, summit; upset
gāng杠杠lever, pole, crowbar; sharpen
讶讶express surprise, be surprised
xīn鑫鑫used in names
wěi玮玮type of jade; rare, valuable
瀑瀑waterfall, cascade; heavy rain
yǐn尹尹govern; oversee; director
nán喃喃keep talking, chattering; mumble
xiòng诇诇to spy; to give information;shrewd
pōu剖剖split in two, slice; dissect
zhù柱柱pillar, post; support; lean on
袜袜socks, stockings
yuán袁袁robe; surname
逾逾go over, pass over, exceed
漆漆varnish, lacquer, paint
niè涅涅blacken; black mud, slime; tatto
毋毋do not; not; surname; rad. 80
bān扳扳pull; drag; right itself
辣辣peppery, pungent, hot; cruel
wǎng惘惘disconcerted, dejected,discouraged
gùn棍棍stick, cudgel; scoundrel
dèng凳凳bench; stool
矩矩carpenter's square, ruler, rule
è呃呃belch; hiccup
zuǒ佐佐assist, aid, second; subordinate
jué掘掘dig, excavate; excavate cave
zǎo澡澡wash, bathe
hàn捍捍ward off, guard against, defend
yuān渊渊gulf, abyss, deep
láng榔榔betel-nut tree
痞痞dyspepsia, spleen infection
qiào窍窍hole, opening, aperture
ǎi矮矮short, dwarf; low
guā蜗蜗a snail, Eulota callizoma
戈戈halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62
kuàng旷旷extensive, wide, broad; empty
勃勃suddenly, sudden, quick
fàn梵梵Buddhist, Sanskrit
tūn吞吞swallow; absorb, annex, engulf
xiá暇暇leisure, relaxation, spare time
肆肆indulge; excess; numeral four;particle meaning now, therefore; shop
dào稻稻rice growing in field, riceplant
dǒu抖抖tremble, shake, rouse; giveshake
jué抉抉choose, select; gouge, pluck out
tíng亭亭pavilion; erect
zhǎn辗辗turn over, roll
táo淘淘wash in sieve; weed out
wèi蔚蔚luxuriant, thick; ornamental
suì穗穗ear of grain; tassel; Guangzhou
gōu钩钩hook, barb; sickle; stroke with
nián黏黏stick to; glutinous, sticky;glue
gāng冈冈ridge or crest of hill
yīng莺莺oriole, green finch; Sylviaspecies (various)
歧歧fork of road; branching off
kuāng匡匡correct, restore, revise
xiè屑屑bits, scraps, crumbs, fragments
lǒng拢拢collect, bring together
zhēn祯祯lucky, auspicious, good omen
xiāo潇潇sound of beating wind and rain;light, ethereal
哔哔used in transliterations
xié谐谐harmonize, agree; joke, jest
窟窟hole, cave; cellar; underground
qiǎn遣遣send, dispatch; send off, exile
亟亟urgently, immediately, extremely
zhěn诊诊examine patient, diagnose
谛谛careful, attentive
祈祈pray; entreat, beseech
溢溢overflow, brim over; full
shuāng霜霜frost; crystallized; candied
dài黛黛blacken eyebrows; black
áo熬熬cook down, to boil; endure
huì晦晦dark, unclear, obscure; night
ráo饶饶bountiful, abundant, plentiful
líng伶伶lonely, solitary; actor
chuǎng闯闯rush in, burst in, charge in
dài逮逮seize, catch; reach, arrive
wǎn婉婉amiable, congenial; restrained
bàng傍傍by side of, beside, near, close
zhì致致delicate, fine; dense
cōng葱葱scallions, onions, leeks
yàn雁雁wild goose
diāo刁刁tricky, sly, crafty, cunning
觅觅seek; search
fēng讽讽recite, incant; satirize
huǎng恍恍seemingly; absent-minded
膜膜membrane; to kneel and worship
xiá匣匣small box, case, coffer
zhēng挣挣to strive, endeavor, struggle;to earn; to pierce; to wedge in
dié谍谍an intelligence report; to spy;spying
jīn斤斤a catty (approximately 500 g);an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69
禧禧happiness; congratulations
fān帆帆sail; boat
轿jiào轿轿sedan-chair, palanquin
铺铺spread out, arrange; shop,store; place to sleep, bed
sǒng耸耸urge on; rise up; stir, excite;to raise up; lofty
凄凄bitter cold, miserable, dreary
hàn瀚瀚vast, wide, extensive
瑟瑟large stringed musicalinstrument; dignified, massive; sound of wind
fěi斐斐graceful, elegant, beautiful
tǐng艇艇small boat, dugout, punt
忿fèn忿忿get angry; fury, exasperation
壶壶jar, pot, jug, vase; surname
hóng泓泓clear, deep pool of water
yuàn苑苑pasture, park, garden; mansion
guǎi拐拐kidnap, abduct; turn
xuán悬悬hang, suspend, hoist; be hung
驴驴donkey, ass
zhān詹詹surname; talk too much, verbose
hǎn罕罕rare, scarce; surname
quán诠诠explain, expound, comment on
沫沫froth, foam, bubbles, suds
滤滤strain out, filter
zhàn绽绽ripped seam, rend, crack
bāi掰掰to break off or break open
rèn刃刃edged tool, cutlery, knife edge
zhì稚稚young, immature; childhood
yǎo窈窈obscure, secluded; refined
chén辰辰early morning; 5th terrestrial branch
渝渝change; chongqing
募募levy, raise; summon; recruit
仄仄slanting, oblique; oblique tones
懿懿virtuous, admirable, esteemed
yīng瑛瑛luster of gem; crystal
kǎi慨慨sigh, regret; generous
kuí葵葵sunflower; measure
hēng哼哼hum; sing softly; groan, moan
噜噜verbose, talkative; mumbling
zhī汁汁juice, liquor, fluid, sap,gravy, sauce
xiù绣绣embroider; embroidery; ornament
lǎo佬佬(Cant.) man, person; mature
奕奕in sequence, orderly; abundant
xiān纤纤fine, delicate; minute; graceful
kuī窥窥peep, watch, spy on, pry
肃肃pay respects; reverently
liú浏浏clear; bright; whistling
áo遨遨ramble, roam; travel forpleasure
隶隶be subservient to; servant
渔渔to fish; seize; pursue; surname
蔽蔽cover, hide, conceal; shelter
shù恕恕forgive, excuse, show mercy
qiān仟仟one thousand; leader of one thousand men
liàn敛敛draw back, fold back; collect
diàn垫垫advance money, pay for another
chéng丞丞assist, aid, rescue
昱昱bright light, sunlight; dazzling
jié诘诘question, interrogate
竿gān竿竿bamboo pole; penis
féng缝缝sew, mend
疤疤scar, cicatrix; birthmark
dào蹈蹈stamp feet; dance
gāo膏膏grease, fat; paste, ointment
biān鞭鞭whip; whip; string of fire crackers
zhuī锥锥gimlet, awl, drill, auger; bore
仆仆slave, servant, I
tiǎo窕窕slender; quiet and modest,charming
豫豫relaxed, comfortable, at ease
zhòu皱皱wrinkles, creases, folds
yán岩岩cliff; rocks; mountain
晰晰clear, evident; clearly
辐辐spokes of wheel
huī晖晖sunshine; light, bright, radiant
dǎi歹歹bad, vicious, depraved, wicked
jiù舅舅mother's brother, uncle
zhēn甄甄to examine, discern; to grade; a surname
shú孰孰who? which? what? which one?
bān斑斑mottled, striped, freckle
shān煽煽stir up, incite, agitate,provoke
yān淹淹drown; cover with liquid, steep
yáo姚姚handsome, elegant; surname
崎崎rough, uneven, jagged, rugged
chāo钞钞paper money, bank notes; copy
jùn骏骏excellent horse, noble steed
袱袱a piece of cloth used wrap bundles
xūn薰薰a medicinal herb; to cauterize
bàn绊绊loop, catch; fetter, shackle
tíng婷婷pretty; attractive; graceful
chǒng宠宠favorite, concubine; favor
芦芦rushes, reeds
棵棵numerary adjunct for trees
xián咸咸salty, briny; salted; pickled
gōng弓弓bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57
沮沮stop, prevent; defeated,dejected
quǎn犬犬dog; radical number 94
ōu呕呕to vomit; annoy, enrage
涂涂smear, daub, apply, spread;paint
dèng瞪瞪stare at
chún淳淳honest, simple, unsophisticated;cyanogen; ethane dinitrile
郁郁luxuriant; dense, thick; moody
gài丐丐beggar; beg; give
kǎn坎坎pit, hole; snare, trap; crisis
茹茹roots; vegetables; eat; bear
jiān煎煎fry in fat or oil; boil in water
pán盘盘tray, plate, dish; examine
luó螺螺spiral shell; conch; spiral
líng菱菱water-chestnut, water caltrop
zhē遮遮cover, shield, protect
xiǎo篠篠dwarf bamboo; diminutive inperson's name
枯枯dried out, withered, decayed
涕涕tear; snivel, nasal mucus
chèn衬衬underwear; inner garments
昔昔formerly; ancient; in beginning
shí蚀蚀nibble away; erode; eclipse
yǐn瘾瘾rash; addiction, craving, habit
gài溉溉water, irrigate, flood; wash
蒂蒂peduncle or stem of plants
xuān瑄瑄a ornamental piece of jade several inches across with a hole in the center
zhuì坠坠fall down, drop, sink, go toruin
翟翟surname; a kind of pheasant;plumes
唔唔hold in mouth; bite
dài怠怠idle, remiss, negligent; neglect
xiā瞎瞎blind, reckless; rash
钰钰rare treasure
zhēng筝筝stringed musical instrument;kite
biǎo表表a watch, clock
zhí掷掷throw (down), hurl, cast, fling
吁吁interjection 'Alas!'; to sigh
chǒu丑丑ugly looking, homely;disgraceful
yuān冤冤grievance, injustice, wrong
shē奢奢extravagant, wasteful;exaggerate
dǎo祷祷pray; entreat, beg, plead;prayer
yìn荫荫shade, shelter; protect
shuǎi甩甩throw away, discard
靶靶target; splashboard on chariot
sǎn伞伞umbrella, parasol, parachute
shā纱纱gauze, thin silk; yarn, thread
jiàng酱酱any jam-like or paste-like food
yún芸芸rue, an herb used keep insects away
fàn范范pattern, model, rule, law
yān焉焉thereupon, then; how? why?where?
jùn峻峻high, steep, towering; stern
jiāo娇娇seductive and loveable; tender
jǐng阱阱pitfall, trap, snare
tuó驼驼a camel; humpbacked; to carry onthe back
hōng哄哄coax; beguile, cheat, deceive
lún沦沦be lost; sink, be submerged
shèn肾肾kidneys; testes, gizzard
zhuāng庄庄village, hamlet; villa; surname
zhān沾沾moisten, wet, soak; touch
nān囡囡one's daughter; to filch; tosecrete
抚抚pat, console, comfort; pacify
lán阑阑door screen; railing fence
róng溶溶to melt, dissolve; overflowingwith
chuō戳戳prick, stab; stamp, seal, chop
dié叠叠repeat, duplicate; repetitious
几几how many? how much?; a few, some
yān菸菸to fade; withered or driedleaves; tobacco (used for U+70DF and U+7159)
蜡蜡wax; candle; waxy, glazed
āo凹凹concave, hollow, depressed; apass, valley
yǒng涌涌surge up, bubble up, gush forth
sōu蒐蒐collect, gather, assemble; seek;spring hunt; assemble for war
xián弦弦string; hypotenuse, crescent
呱呱wail, crying of child; swear at
娱娱pleasure, enjoyment, amusement
jīn巾巾kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50
hào皓皓bright, luminous; clear; hoary
chú雏雏chick, fledging; infant, toddler
奴奴slave, servant
chéng盯盯rivet gaze upon, keep eyes on
嘎嘎sound of laughter; bad,malevolent
kuì馈馈offer food superior; send gift
tàng趟趟time, occasion; take journey
lǒng垄垄grave, mound; ridge in field
jiē揭揭raise, lift up; surname
毓毓give birth to; bring up, educate
dāng当当sound of bells
犀犀rhinoceros; sharp, well-tempered
剥剥peel, peel off, to shell, strip
chěng逞逞indulge oneself; brag, show off
kěn垦垦cultivate, reclaim, to farm land
姨姨mother/wife's sister; concubine
xiá狭狭narrow, limited; narrow-minded;to pinch
穆穆majestic, solemn, reverent; calm
kuí魁魁chief; leader; best; monstrous
qiáo樵樵woodcutter; firewood; gatherwood
fāng坊坊neighborhood, urban subdivision
阀阀powerful and influential group
yán盐盐variant of 塩 U+5869, salt
弥弥extensive, full; fill; complete
shǐ屎屎excrement, dung
qiāo跷跷raise one's foot
hǎo郝郝surname; place in modern Shanxi
搁搁place, put, lay down; delay
pèi佩佩belt ornament, pendant; wear atwaist, tie to the belt; respect
隙隙crack, split, fissure; grudge
疵疵flaw, fault, defect; disease
丫丫forked; bifurcation
chōng憧憧irresolute, indecisive; yearnfor
chàn忏忏regret, repent; confess sins
jiān蒹蒹reed, phragmites communis
kūn琨琨beautiful jade, precious stones
憩憩rest, take rest
què阙阙watch tower; palace
ào懊懊vexed, worried, nervous; regret
xuān萱萱day-lily, hemerocallisflava
chàng怅怅disappointed, dissatisfied
àng盎盎cup; pot; bowl; abundant
zhé辄辄sides of chariot where weapons
biǎo婊婊whore, prostitute
搏搏seize; spring upon; strike
kuī盔盔helmet; bowl; basin
róng榕榕banyan tree
luán峦峦mountain range; pointed mountain
饥饥starve, be hungry; famine
jīn矜矜pity, feel sorry for, show sympathy
dǎo捣捣hull; thresh; beat, attack
lǐn凛凛shiver with cold or fear,fearful
zhā渣渣refuse, dregs, lees, sediment
铺铺spread out, arrange; shop,store; place to sleep, bed
tiào眺眺look at, gaze at, scan, survey
鹉鹉species of parrot
虞虞concerned about, anxious,worried
俯俯bow down, face down, look down
惚惚absent-minded, confused
shēn绅绅girdle; tie, bind; gentry
chóu畴畴farmland, arable land; category
bàng谤谤slander, libel
羁羁halter; restrain, hold, control
lóng珑珑a gem cut like dragon
yuàn媛媛beauty, beautiful woman
zhǐ咫咫foot measure of Zhou dynasty
qiàn堑堑moat, trench, pit, cavity
qiào俏俏like, similar; resemble; pretty
fàn泛泛to drift, float; careless,reckless
yáo淆淆confused, in disarray, mixed up
chuāng疮疮tumor, boil, sore, wound
shǔ蜀蜀name of an ancient state
sháo韶韶music of the emperor Shun;beautiful
nán楠楠name of tree, machilus nanmu
biē憋憋to suppress inner feelings;hasty
乞乞beg; request
祁祁pray; numerous, ample, abundant
诅诅curse; swear, pledge
gòu诟诟abuse, scold, berate, insult
yún匀匀equal, impartially, uniform,even
sāo搔搔to scratch
diāo貂貂marten, sable, mink
huán寰寰great domain, country, world
tǎn袒袒strip; lay bare; bared; naked
wàng迋迋travel, go to; deceive; scare
yǎn奄奄ere long; remain, tarry; feeble
chǎng敞敞roomy, spacious, open, broad
chén忱忱truth, sincerity; sincere
jiǔ玖玖black-colored jade
qiú囚囚prisoner, convict; confine
溺溺drown; submerge in water;indulge
cuì悴悴suffer, become emaciated,haggard
luò骆骆a white horse with black mane; acamel
祠祠ancestral temple; offer sacrifice
jǐng憬憬rouse, awaken; become conscious
è扼扼grasp, clutch; choke, strangle
lóu髅髅skull; skeleton
脊脊spine, backbone; ridge
zhú筑筑build, erect; building
yáo瑶瑶precious jade
jiāng疆疆boundary, border, frontier
zhà乍乍first time, for the first time
骐骐piebald horse; excellent horse
gǎn杆杆pole; stick; club; pole as unit
chuí捶捶strike with stick, lash, beat
móu眸眸pupil of eye; eye
须须beard, whiskers; whisker-like
cuàn窜窜run away; revise, edit; expel
kàng亢亢high, proud; violent, excessive;skilled; name
niè孽孽evil; son of concubine; ghost
卅卅thirty, thirtieth
cǎo艸艸grass; KangXi radical 140
yǎo夭夭young, fresh-looking; die young
shāi筛筛sieve, filter, screen; sift
huáng簧簧reed of woodwind instrument
yuè岳岳mountain peak; surname
pái徘徘walk back and forth, hesitate
yuè岳岳mountain peak; surname
mán馒馒steamed bread; steamed dumplings
yōng慵慵indolent, easy-going, lazy
趴趴lying prone, leaning over
戮戮kill, massacre; oppress
chuí鎚鎚hammer, mallet; club
tuó跎跎slip, stumble, falter; vacillate
啼啼weep, whimper; howl, twitter
pēng砰砰sound of crashing stones, bang!
rǒng冗冗excessive; superfluous
lún仑仑logical reasons, logical order
缉缉to sew in close stitches
wěi炜炜brilliant red; glowing
絮絮waste cotton, raw silk or cotton
篱篱bamboo or wooden fence; hedge
zhuó啄啄to peck; (Cant.) to slander
笈笈bamboo box used carry books
fèi沸沸boil, bubble up, gush
tān瘫瘫paralysis, palsy, numbness
cuì萃萃dense, thick, close-set; to collect together
吏吏government official, magistrate
嘶嘶neighing of a horse; gravel voiced, husky throated
quán痊痊be healed, be cured; recover
yuān鸳鸳male mandarin duck (Aixgalericulata)
shù庶庶numerous, various; multitude
qín禽禽birds, fowl; surname;; capture
jué厥厥personal pronoun he, she, it
bèi惫惫tired, weary, fatigued
棘棘jujube tree; thorns, brambles
huáng徨徨doubtful, irresolute,vacillating
suō娑娑dance, frolic; lounge; saunter
屐屐wooden shoes, clogs
qìn沁沁soak into, seep in, percolate
舆舆cart, palanquin; public opinion
jiǒng窘窘embarrassed; hard-pressed
xiè邂邂unexpected meeting; encounter by
xiān掀掀lift, raise; stir
缕缕thread; detailed, precise
piào嫖嫖patronize prostitutes, frequent
jiǎn硷硷alkaline, alkali, lye, salt
gǒu苟苟careless, frivolous; illicit;grammatical particle: if, but, if only; surname; grass name; distinguish DKW30853 (ji4)
yǎn俨俨grave, respectful, majestic
zhàn栈栈warehouse; tavern, inn
jiǎo矫矫correct, rectify, straighten out
shū蔬蔬vegetables, greens
duó铎铎bell; surname
jiū鸠鸠pigeon, dove; collect, assemble
léng棱棱squared timber; angle, edge
xián闲闲fence, barrier; defend; idletime
huā哗哗rushing sound; gush forward
tiáo迢迢far; distant
huái徊徊linger, walk to and fro,hesitain
恣恣indulge oneself, unrestrained
gǒng拱拱fold hands on breast; bow,salute
yún昀昀sun light; used in personalnames
huì蕙蕙species of fragrant orchid
líng泠泠nice and cool, mild and comfortable
páng徬徬to wander about, walk a long sideof; to be next to
lián涟涟flowing water; ripples; weeping
zhì滞滞block up, obstruct; stagnant
xuàn眩眩to confuse; dizzy, dazed,disoriented
噫噫belch; alas
é娥娥be beautiful; good; surname
fàn氾氾overflow, flood, inundate
荼荼bitter vegetable
è鳄鳄crocodile, alligator
kòu叩叩knock, ask; kowtow, bow
biāo镖镖dart, spear, harpoon; escort
xiǔ朽朽decayed, rotten; rot, decay
kǎn侃侃upright and strong; amiable
chái侪侪a company, companion; together
虏虏to capture, imprison, seize; aprison
shè赦赦forgive, remit, pardon
俾俾so that, in order that; cause
汐汐night tides, evening ebb tide
zhāng樟樟camphor tree
fēng丰丰abundant, lush, bountiful,plenty
qián虔虔act with reverence; reverent
níng咛咛enjoin, instruct; charge
máo茅茅reeds, rushes, grass; surname
táng棠棠crab apple tree; wild plums
dòu窦窦surname; hole, burrow; corrupt
lún仑仑logical reasons, logical order
笠笠bamboo hat; bamboo covering
shàn膳膳meals, provisions, board
áo翱翱soar, roam
liǎng魉魉a kind of monster
xīn莘莘long; numerous; a marsh plantwhose root is used for medicine
lěi儡儡puppet, dummy
chú躇躇hesitate, falter, be undecided
yāng鸯鸯female mandarin duck (Aixgalericulata)
fěi翡翡kingfisher; emerald, jade
nuò懦懦weak, timid, cowardly
jiāng姜姜surname; ginger
shèn渗渗soak through, infiltrate
xiāo枭枭owl thus, something evil
shào邵邵surname; various place names
匕匕spoon, ladle; knife, dirk
xiǎo筱筱dwarf bamboo; diminutive inperson's name
fán藩藩fence; boundary; outlying border
chù畜畜livestock, domestic animals
yáng徉徉wonder, rove, stray; hesitating
崖崖cliff, precipice; precipitous
shāng觞觞wine vessel; propose toast;feast
xiá瑕瑕flaw in gem; fault, defect
jiǎn拣拣choose; select; pick up; gather
ruǐ蕊蕊unopened flowers, flower buds
zhī吱吱chirping, squeaking, hissing
chuǎi揣揣put things under clothes
guī皈皈follow, comply with
qín擒擒catch, capture, seize, arrest
yōng墉墉wall; fortified wall; small wall
guà挂挂hang, suspend; suspense
傌傌to curse, to revile, to abuse;to scold
tún屯屯village, hamlet; camp; station
shāo梢梢pointed tip of something longlike a branch; rudder
mǎng莽莽thicket, underbrush; poisonous
diān巅巅summit of mountain, mountain top
chóu踌踌hesitate, falter; smug,self-satisfied
zhū侏侏small, little, tiny, dwarf
méng萌萌bud, sprout
弧弧wooden bow; arc, crescent
huǎng幌幌curtain, cloth screen
chè澈澈thoroughly, completely
háng杭杭cross stream; navigate
jiǎo饺饺stuffed dumplings
jiǎo侥侥be lucky; by chance, by luck
kuí奎奎stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions
luán栾栾name of tree; a part of cornice
qiú裘裘fur garments; surname
diàn奠奠pay respect; settle
塌塌fall in ruins, collapse
痲痲pock-marked; leprosy; measles
ěr饵饵bait; bait, entice; dumplings
kuā夸夸exaggerate; brag, boast; flaunt
wēi偎偎cling to, cuddle, embrace,fondle
yīn瘖瘖dumb, mute, unable speak
xiè泻泻drain off, leak; flow, pour down
xīn芯芯pith from rush (juncus effusus)
màn蔓蔓creeping plants, tendrils, vines
huì彗彗broomstick; comet
驿驿驿relay station
zūn樽樽goblet; jar, jug; lush
nòu耨耨hoe, rake; weed
xián衔衔bit; hold in mouth, bite; gag
禾禾grain still on stalk; rice plant
茍茍to be circumspect, cautious in ones behaviour (distinguish DKW 30790 gou3)
jǐn瑾瑾brilliance of gems; fine jade
cuō磋磋polish, buff; scrutinize
shú塾塾village school; private tutorage
wēi萎萎wither, wilt
jiǎn俭俭temperate, frugal, economical
kuò廓廓broad, wide, open, empty; toexpand
tuó沱沱rivers, streams, waterways; flow
mǐn悯悯pity, sympathize with, grieve for
zhù铸铸melt, cast; coin, mint
chú橱橱cabinet, wardrobe, cupboard
jīng茎茎stem, stalk
jiāng僵僵stiff and motionless, stock still
jiān歼歼annihilate, wipe out, kill off
wǎn惋惋regret, be sorry; alarmed
rǎng壤壤soil, loam, earth; rich
sǒu擞擞shake, tremble, quake; flutter
jiāo浇浇spray, water, sprinkle
zǎo蚤蚤flea; louse
qiāng呛呛choke by smoke; irritates nose
shì恃恃 on, trust to
抴抴to pull,to drag,to join together, oar
zhān瞻瞻look; look out for; respect
zhù蛀蛀insects that eat books, clothes
pàn拚拚risk, disregard; go all out for
xuàn渲渲add repeated washes of color
tīng汀汀sandbar, beach, bank, shore
qiú酋酋chief of tribe, chieftain
jiāo椒椒pepper, spices
jiáo嚼嚼prattle, be glib
埸埸a border; a limit; a dike; afrontier; a boundary
zhōu粥粥rice gruel, congee
嬉嬉enjoy; play, amuse oneself
bàng磅磅pound; weigh
chuàng怆怆sad, broken-hearted,disconsolate
佫佫surname He
噶噶used in transliterations
kān勘勘investigate; compare; collate
qiáo憔憔be worn-out, emaciated, haggard
dūn吨吨metric ton
náo挠挠scratch; disturb, bother; submit
lán澜澜overflowing; waves, ripples
羲羲ancient emperor; breath, vapor
duàn锻锻forge metal; temper, refine
扑扑pound, beat, strike; attack
shēng笙笙small gourd-shaped musical instrument
kuàng眶眶eye socket; rim of eye
è厄厄adversity, difficulty, distress
rǎng嚷嚷shout, brawl, make uproar, cry
cuō蹉蹉error, mistake, slip; failure
jiā伽伽transcription of sanskrit 'gha'in buddhist texts ('samgha', etc.); (nursing; attending; entertainer) (Jap.);tample; in Chinese this character is not used alone
孵孵sit on eggs, hatch
huī徽徽a badge, insignia
diàn淀淀sediment, dregs, precipitate
隅隅corner, nook, remote place
tòng恸恸sadness, grief; mourn; be moved
liáo寥寥few, scarce; empty, deserted
jiǔ灸灸cauterize with moxa; moxibustion
bīn缤缤flourishing, thriving, abundant
è愕愕startled, alarmed, astonished
lián帘帘a blind, screen, curtain
淤淤mud, sediment; clog up, silt up
hōng烘烘bake, roast; dry by fire
狙狙an ape, monkey; to spy, watch for; to lie
qiàn茜茜madder, rubia cordifolia; reeds
jiàn槛槛threshold, door-sill
xún驯驯tame, docile, obedient
噎噎choke; hiccup
shà霎霎light rain, drizzle; an instant;passing
shà厦厦big building, mansion
sòu嗽嗽cough, gargle, clear throat
rùn闰闰intercalary; extra, surplus
jīng兢兢fearful, cautious, wary
méi煤煤coal, coke, charcoal, carbon
瑚瑚coral; person of virtue
liàn链链chain, wire, cable; chain, shack
rǎn冉冉tender; weak; proceed gradually
xiù锈锈rust, corrode
diàn甸甸suburbs of capital; govern;crops
jiè诫诫warn, admonish; warning
zhēng怔怔a disease resembling neurosis
jiá颊颊cheeks, jaw
蠹蠹moth; insects which eat intoclot
俐俐smooth; active; clever, sharp
zhuì缀缀patch together, link, connect
曳曳trail, tow, drag, pull
chǎn谄谄flatter, truckle, toady
zhuó灼灼burn; broil; cauterize; bright
ài暧暧obscure, dim, ambiguous, vague
wèn紊紊confused, disorder
郤郤crack, opening; surname
tóng彤彤red, vermilion; name of ancient
tǎng淌淌trickle; flow down; drip
jiàn荐荐offer, present; recommend
喀喀vomit; used in transliterations
诣诣reach; achievement,accomplishment
kūn昆昆elder brother; descendants
mèi眛眛dim, dark, obscure; blind
miè蔑蔑disdain, disregard; slight
bǐng禀禀report to, petition
zhì峙峙stand erect, stand up; pile up
liù馏馏distill, distillation
zào躁躁tense, excited, irritable
yáo窑窑kiln; coal mine pit
hòu逅逅meet unexpectedly
jié讦讦expose other's secrets, pry
雇雇employ, to hire
机机machine; moment, chance
ōu殴殴beat, fight with fists, hit; to strike, brawl
jiǒng炯炯bright, brilliant, clear; hot
泌泌to seep out, excrete
颐颐cheeks; jaw; chin; rear; tonourish
酥酥butter; flaky, crispy, light,fluffy
móu缪缪wind around, bind; prepare
shàn缮缮repair, mend; rewrite,transcribe
fēi扉扉door panel
méi莓莓moss; edible berries
sōng嵩嵩high, lofty; one of the 5 peaks,situated in Hunan
yuán辕辕axle; magistrate's office;surname
miǎn缅缅distant, remote; think of
hài骇骇terrify, frighten, scare; shock
zhèn朕朕pronoun 'I'
wēi巍巍high, lofty, majestic, eminent
qiǔ糗糗parched wheat or rice; brokengrain
bīn濒濒approach, be on verge of; near
káng扛扛carry on shoulders; lift
剔剔pick out; scrape off; scrape meat
xìng杏杏apricot; almond
局局bureau, office; circumstance
zhuó茁茁to sprout, flourish; sprouts appearing above-ground; vigorous
琵琵guitar-like instrument
肋肋ribs; chest
jiāo礁礁reef; jetty; submerged rocks
è噩噩bad, ill-omened, unlucky
huì秽秽dirty, unclean; immoral, obscene
佢佢he (Cant.)
chà岔岔diverge, branch off; fork inroad
揖揖salute, bow; defer to, yield
僻僻out-of-the-way, remote;unorthodox
zhèn圳圳furrow in field, small drainage
hàn焊焊weld, solder
芜芜luxurious growth of weeds
wēng嗡嗡sound of flying bees, airplanes
xiè亵亵dirty, ragged; slight, insult,treat with disrespect
sòng诵诵recite, chant, repeat
zhǎn崭崭high, steep, precipitous; new
瞌瞌doze off; sleepy
chì踅踅o walk around, turn back midway
捌捌break open, split open; anaccounting version of the numeral eight
dùn遁遁hide, conceal oneself; escape
坞坞entrenchment, bank, low wall
zāng赃赃booty, loot, stolen goods; bribe
líng绫绫thin silk, damask silk
涡涡swirl, whirlpool, eddy
冶冶smelt, fuse metals; cast, found
cóng琮琮octagonal piece of jade withhole in middle
diàn惦惦think of, remember, miss
mǎo卯卯4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m.
梧梧Sterculia platanifolia
锯锯a saw; to saw; amputate
guà罣罣hinder, disturb, obstruct
rēng扔扔throw, hurl; throw away, cast
dài殆殆dangerous, perilous; endanger
苏苏revive, resurrect; a species ofthyme; transliteration of 'Soviet'
兀兀to cut off the feet
zōu邹邹name of an ancient state;surname
sòng讼讼accuse; argue, dispute; litigate
莅莅reach, arrive; manage
jiù臼臼mortar; bone joint socket
ài隘隘narrow, confined; a strategic pass
diǎn踮踮tip toe
蹋蹋step on, tread on; stumble, slip
zhì炙炙roast, broil; toast; cauterize
zhàn湛湛deep; profound; clear; tranquil,placid
雌雌female; feminine; gentle, soft
zhòu昼昼daytime, daylight
啧啧interjection of approval oradmiration
xiù岫岫mountain peak; cave, cavern
bāo褒褒praise, commend, honor, cite
zhí蛰蛰to hibernate
zhú竺竺India; bamboo; surname
zhuāng桩桩stake, post; affair, matter
xiōng匈匈breast, chest, thorax; clamor;the Hsiung Nu 'Huns'
miǎo藐藐disregard, slight, disdain
wēi葳葳luxuriant, flourishing; used forvarious plants
汲汲draw water from well; imbibe
hàn旱旱drought; dry; dry land
禄禄blessing, happiness, prosperity
tóu骰骰die, dice
zào皂皂soap; black; menial servant
yān阉阉castrate; eunuch
lài濑濑swift current; rapids
béng甭甭there is no need
róng绒绒silk, cotton, or woolen fabric
xīn欣欣happy, joyous, delighted
dān耽耽indulge in; be negligent
fēi霏霏falling of snow and rain
fèn粪粪manure, dung, night soil
luò酪酪cream, cheese; koumiss
yuè粤粤Guangdong and Guangxi provinces;initial particle
yōng雍雍harmony, union; harmonious
卤卤saline soil; natural salt, rock
rèn饪饪cooked food; cook until welldone
yào曜曜glorious, as sun; daylight,sunlight
xūn勋勋meritorious deed; merits; rank
mào懋懋splendid, grand, majestic
煦煦kind, gentle, gracious, genial
jiù咎咎fault, defect; error, mistake
漓漓short name for Guangxi province
xián娴娴elegant, refined; skillful
niè聂聂whisper; surname
jiū揪揪grasp with hand, pinch
gòu垢垢dirt, filth, stains; dirty
jiǎn囝囝baby, infant
tóng瞳瞳pupil of eye
chán婵婵beautiful, lovely, pretty,graceful
mǐn闵闵mourn, grieve; urge on, incite
jiǎo佼佼beautiful, handsome,good-looking
ruì睿睿shrewd, astute, clever, keen
wén玟玟streaks in jade; gem
jiāo跤跤stumble, fall down; wrestle
hūn荤荤meat diet; strong smelling
jiàn鉴鉴mirror, looking glass; reflect
俘俘prisoner of war; take asprisoner
gōng躬躬body; personally, in person
癖癖craving, weakness for;indigestion
zhēn斟斟to pour wine or tea into a cup;to gauge
chēn瞋瞋glare with anger
淇淇river in Henan province
duō咄咄noise of rage, cry out in anger
莒莒hemp-like plant; taro; herb
chuáng幢幢carriage curtain; sun screen
tǎn毯毯rug, carpet, blanket
迂迂doctrinaire, abstruse,unrealistic
xìng幸幸luck(ily), favor, fortunately
wěng蓊蓊luxuriant vegetation; lush
chěng骋骋gallop horse; hasten, hurry
zhěn疹疹measles; rash; fever
dài岱岱Daishan, one of the Five Sacred Mountains in China
luó儸儸bandit, daredevil
庐庐hut, cottage; name of a mountain
jié桔桔Chinese bellflower; well-swept;the inner fibers of corn-stalks
yāng殃殃misfortune, disaster, calamity
é讹讹swindle, cheat; erroneous, wrong
téng籐籐climbing plants, vines, cane
恤恤show pity; relieve, help
眯眯be blinded
叽叽sigh in disapproval; take small
chāng猖猖mad, wild, reckless, unruly
lín鳞鳞fish scales
xiè泄泄leak; vent; flow; reveal
méng蒙蒙cover; ignorant; suffer;mongolia
záo凿凿chisel; bore, pierce
jiè芥芥mustard plant; mustard; tiny
yàn晏晏peaceful, quiet; clear; late inthe day
kǎi楷楷model style of Chinese writing
诬诬make false accusation; defame
漪漪ripples on water; swirling
tái苔苔moss, lichen
biàn辫辫braid; pigtail, plait, queue
麒麒legendary auspicious animal
lìn蔺蔺rush used in making mats;surname
zhuī椎椎hammer, mallet; vertebra
zhēng症症obstruction of bowels
禹禹legendary hsia dynasty founder
huì喙喙beak, bill, snout; pant
xiù琇琇coarse variety of jasper or jade
厘厘manage, control; 1/1000 of afoot
niǎo袅袅curling upwards; wavering gently
fēng烽烽signal fire; tower where signal
hài亥亥12th terrestrial branch
tiǎn舔舔lick with tongue; taste
guān倌倌assistant in wine shop, groom
娣娣younger sister, sister-in-law
wèn汶汶a river in Shandong province
诃诃scold loudly, curse, abuse
zhào诏诏decree, proclaim; imperial decree
裔裔progeny, descendants, posterity
chǐ侈侈luxurious, extravagant
梓梓catalpa ovata
yīng膺膺breast, chest; undertake, bear
蓦蓦suddenly, quickly, abruptly
zhǔ渚渚small sand bank, islet
yán岩岩cliff; rocks; mountain
chuí槌槌hammer, mallet; strike, beat
zhì帜帜flag, pennant; sign; fasten
qiào鞘鞘scabbard, sheath
bàn瓣瓣petal; segment; valves
shì噬噬bite; gnaw; snap at
jiǎo狡狡cunning, deceitful, treacherous
咐咐instruct, order
惕惕be cautious, careful, alert
cuǐ璀璀lustre of gems; glitter; shine
méng蒙蒙cover; ignorant; suffer;mongolia
fáng肪肪animal fat
qiè怯怯lacking in courage, afraid
líng羚羚species of antelope
nèn嫩嫩soft, tender, delicate; young
羿羿羿legendary archer
gōng龚龚give, present; reverential
háo嚎嚎cry loudly, yell, scream
箔箔reed screen; frame for growing silkworms
tún豚豚small pig, suckling pig; suffle
庇庇cover, shield, shelter, protect
埠埠port city
俪俪spouse, couple, pair
liáo暸暸bright, clear
zhǔ嘱嘱order, tell, instruct, leaveword
suō唆唆make mischief, incite, instigate
fēi妃妃wife, spouse; imperial concubine
玺玺imperial signet, royal signet
piáo瓢瓢ladle made from dried gourd
褐褐coarse woolen cloth; dull, dark
蹄蹄hoof; leg of pork; little witch
léi擂擂rub, grind; grind with a mortarand pestle; triturate
huáng遑遑leisure, leisurely; hurry about
讥讥ridicule, jeer, mock; inspect
yíng萦萦entangle, entwine, coil
kěn啃啃gnaw, chew, bite
罹罹sorrow, grief; incur, meet with
琶琶guitar-like instrument
nián粘粘viscous, mucous; glutinous
yuàn愿愿desire, want; wish; ambition
栗栗shiver, shudder, tremble;tremble
jué噱噱laugh heartily, laugh aloud
zhāo钊钊endeavor, strive; encourage; cut
juàn狷狷rash, impetuous, impulsive
biāo彪彪tiger; tiger stripes; tiger-like
táng搪搪ward off, evade; parry; block
瘀瘀a hematoma, contusion;extravasted blood
qīng氢氢amonia; hydrogen nitride
něi馁馁hungry, starving, famished
huán洹洹river in Henan province
靡靡divide, disperse, scatter
谕谕proclaim, instruct; edict
砌砌stone steps, brick walk
pēi胚胚embryo; unfinished things
huì卉卉general term for plants; myriads
duì兑兑cash; exchange, barter; weight
拇拇thumb; big toe
shī溼溼damp, moist; dampness, moisture
chì炽炽burning-hot, intense; to burn,blaze; splendid, illustrious
pēi呸呸expression of reprimand
睦睦friendly, amiable, peaceful
镀镀plate, coat, gild
chuài踹踹trample, tread on, kick; tocrush
chá碴碴chipped edge of a container
zhǒng冢冢burial mound, mausoleum; grand
辟辟law, rule; open up, develop
suì祟祟evil spirit; evil influence
shù漱漱gargle, rinse; wash, scour
xiè懈懈idle, relaxed, remiss
zhì窒窒stop up, obstruct
shù术术art, skill, special feat;method, technique
xīng惺惺intelligent, clever, astute
cuō搓搓to rub or roll between the hands
jué谲谲cunning, crafty, sly, wily
yōu攸攸distant, far; adverbial prefix
jiǎo勦勦destroy, exterminate, annihilate
xiàng橡橡chestnut oak; rubber tree;rubber
nǎi迺迺then, thereupon, only then
táng膛膛chest; hollow space, cavity
俞俞surname; consent, approve
huàn痪痪paralysis, numbness of limbs
zhǐ祉祉happiness, blessings, good luck
褔褔full up, classifier for items of clothing (old)
冀冀hope for; wish; Hebei province
渠渠ditch, canal, channel, gutter
chuī炊炊cook; meal
弋弋catch, arrest; shoot with bow
瓷瓷crockery, porcelain, chinaware
xián咸咸salty, briny; salted; pickled
xiá遐遐afar, distant; old, advanced in
lǎn揽揽grasp, take hold of; monopolize
óu吽吽'OM'; bellow; (Cant.) dull,stupid
鹭鹭heron, egret; Ardea species(various)
zhì痔痔hemorrhoids, piles
ǎi霭霭cloudy sky, haze; calm, peaceful
shì轼轼horizontal wooden bar in frontof a sedan chair
táng塘塘pond; tank; dike, embankment
姥姥maternal grandmother; midwife
jùn郡郡administrative division
cōng璁璁stone similar to jade
tāo韬韬sheath, scabbard, bow case
xié挟挟clasp under arm; hold to bosom
yàng漾漾overflow; swirl, ripple; to betosssed by waves
móu牟牟make; seek, get; barley; low
cāo糙糙coarse, harsh, rough, unpolishedrice
líng翎翎feather; plume; wing
yán阎阎village gate; surname
lìn磷磷phosphorus; water rushing between
ài嗳嗳interjection; exclamation
zhuì赘赘unnecessary, superfluous
fēn吩吩order, command, instruct
tíng霆霆a sudden peal of thunder
chì敕敕an imperial order or decree
tàn炭炭charcoal; coal; carbon
bào鲍鲍abalone; dried fish; surname
xiāo霄霄sky; clouds, mist; night
俟俟wait for, wait until, as soon as
婿婿婿son-in-law; husband
liú瘤瘤tumor, lump, goiter
yàn谚谚proverb, maxim
yáng飏飏soar, fly, float; scatter
kǎi恺恺enjoy, be contented, joyful
péi裴裴surname; look of a flowing gown
kǎi铠铠armor, chain mail
gǒng汞汞element mercury
蝠蝠kind of bat
jiǎo剿剿destroy, exterminate, annihilate
钜钜steel, iron; great
piē瞥瞥take fleeting glance at
líng苓苓fungus, tuber; licorice
guī傀傀great, gigantic; puppet
jiǎng桨桨oar, paddle
jìn烬烬cinders, ashes, embers; remnants
tóng仝仝together, same; surname
shù墅墅villa, country house
yíng瀛瀛sea, ocean
xuán璇璇beautiful jade; star
hái骸骸skeleton, body; leg bone
kùn困困be tired, sleepy
qián钳钳pincers, pliers, tongs
léng愣愣be in a daze
róng镕镕fuse, melt, smelt; mold
tián恬恬quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful
jìng靓靓make up face; ornament; quiet;(Cant.) pretty
嫉嫉jealousy; be jealous of
xuán漩漩eddy, whirlpool
suǒ琐琐fragments; trifling, petty;troublesome
ráng攘攘seize, take by force; repel
sǎo嫂嫂sister-in-law, elder brother'swife
yuán垣垣low wall
miǎo淼淼a wide expanse of water
荻荻reed, miscanthus sacchariflorus
shū梳梳comb; brush
咯咯final particle
zēng憎憎hate, detest, abhor; hatred
kuì篑篑a bamboo basket for carryingearth
lǒu搂搂hug, embrace; drag, pull
mǐng茗茗tea; tea plant
zǎo藻藻splendid, magnificent; algae
huán桓桓variety of tree; surname
xiào酵酵yeast, leaven
浒浒riverbank, shore
屉屉drawer; tray; pad; screen
桠桠the forking branch of a tree
dǒu陡陡steep, sloping; abruptly, sudden
zhé摺摺fold, bend; twisted, curved
suān痠痠aching of limbs, muscular pains
xiāo箫箫musical instrument like pan-pipes, bamboo flute
xiǎng飨飨host banquet; banquet
咀咀suck; chew, masticate
tóng桐桐name applied various trees
谷谷corn, grain, cereal; lucky
zhà蚱蚱grasshopper; (edible) locust;cicada
chù矗矗straight, upright, erect, lofty
曦曦sunlight, sunshine, early dawn
zhàng瘴瘴malaria pestilential vapors
璧璧piece of jade with hole in it
jǐng璟璟luster of gem
jié偈偈brave; martial; hasty; scudding
籽籽seed, pip, pit, stone
bèng蹦蹦hop, leap, jump; bright
shài晒晒dry in sun, expose to sun
chǎng昶昶a long day. bright. extended.clear
沥沥trickle, drip; strain; dregs
弩弩cross-bow, bow; downward stroke
zhēng铮铮clanging sound; small gong
guāng洸洸sparkle, glitter
chī嗤嗤laugh at, ridicule, sneer; snort
lán婪婪covet; covetous, avaricious
戌戌11th terrestrial branch
翊翊flying; assist, help; respect
diǎo屌屌penis; to fuck
bèi背背back; back side; behind; betray
yǒng俑俑wooden figure buried with dead
cháng裳裳clothes; skirt; beautiful
磕磕hit; collide, knock into; sound
jiū啾啾wailing of child; chirp
wěi暐暐the bright shining of the sun
róng嵘嵘high, steep; lofty, towering
liáo撩撩lift up, raise; leave, depart
zhēng峥峥high, lofty, noble; steep,perilous
笃笃deep, true, sincere, genuine
què鹊鹊magpie; Pica species (various)
pēng烹烹boil, cook; quick fry, stir fry
xīn昕昕dawn; early morning; day
gǒng巩巩bind; firm, secure, strong
mèi寐寐sleep; be asleep
cuò厝厝cut or engrave; a grave or tombstone
徙徙move one's abode, shift, migrate
jiù疚疚chronic disease, chronic illness; sorrow
lín遴遴select, choose; surname
鸶鸶egret; Egretta garzetta
zhuó濯濯wash out, rinse; cleanse
xiōng汹汹the rush of water; turbulent;noisy, restless
堉堉ground, fertile land
跋跋go by foot; epilogue, colophon
沐沐bathe, cleanse, wash, shampoo
yǔn陨陨fall, slip; let fall; die
yān咽咽throat; pharynx
丕丕great, grand, glorious,distinguished
luò烙烙brand, burn; branding iron
簇簇swarm, crowd together, cluster
畸畸odd, fractional, remainder, odds
鹂鹂Chinese oriole; Oriolus oriolus
huì讳讳conceal; shun; regard as taboo
sǔn笋笋bamboo shoot; joint; tendon
zòu揍揍hit, beat; smash, break
bìn鬓鬓hair on temples
shù曙曙bright, light of rising sun
hóng竑竑be vast and endless; broad
kào铐铐shackles, manacle
绎绎to unravel or unreel silk; to interpret, explain
shuò朔朔first day of lunar month; thenorth
juān涓涓brook, stream; select; pure
què阕阕close, shut; watch tower
cǎi睬睬notice; pay attention to
yào燿燿shine, dazzle; brilliant,radiant
矶矶jetty; submerged rock; eddy
胥胥all, together, mutually
岐岐high; majestic; fork in road
凄凄bitter cold, miserable, dreary
tián嗔嗔be angry at, scold, rebuke
鲫鲫carassius auratus, crucian carp
yíng嬴嬴to win; to have a surplus;surname
léng楞楞used for Ceylon in Buddhisttexts
què榷榷footbridge; toll, levy; monopoly
shī尸尸corpse, carcass
jīng荆荆thorns; brambles; my wife; cane
xié偕偕together; be in order
夙夙early in morning, dawn; previous
cháng徜徜walking and fro; lingering
lài睐睐squint at; sidelong glance
饥饥starve, be hungry; famine
mán谩谩deceive, insult
ǎi蔼蔼lush; affable, friendly
huáng璜璜a semicircular jade ornamentused as a pendant
chè辙辙wagon ruts, wheel tracks
méi湄湄water's edge, shore, bank
rèn恁恁that, like this, thus, so, such
pèi霈霈torrential rains, flow of water
zōng棕棕hemp palm; palm tree
zhū诛诛execute, kill, put to death;punish
jiān笺笺note, memo; stationery; comments
鞠鞠bow, bend; rear, raise, nourish
yáo垚垚mound, roundish mass
茉茉white jasmine
蛊蛊poison; venom; harm; bewitch
煜煜bright, shining, brilliant
讷讷slow of speech; mumble; stammer
yōng佣佣hire, employ, charter; servant
tuó鸵鸵ostrich; Struthio camelus
sǎng嗓嗓voice; throat
痹痹paralysis, numbness
lèi酹酹to pour out a libation; to sprinkle
xùn殉殉die for cause, be martyr for
tán昙昙become cloudy, overcast
墟墟high mound; hilly countryside;wasteland
quán铨铨weigh, measure; select officials
máo旄旄a kind of ancient flag; old
yàn艳艳beautiful, sexy, voluptuous
tán檀檀sandalwood, hardwood; surname
bēng绷绷bind, draw firmly, strap
jùn竣竣terminate, end, finish; quit
熹熹dim light, glimmer; warm, bright
róu揉揉rub, massage; crush by hand
沂沂river in southeast Shandong
jiā珈珈an ornament attached to a woman's hairpin
qiào峭峭steep, precipitous, rugged
yuān葾葾(Cant.) a bad smell
huì诲诲teach, instruct; encourage, urge
nián拈拈pick up with fingers; draw lots
臆臆chest, breast, bosom; thought
huáng隍隍dry ditch, dry moat
yàn焰焰flame, blaze; glowing, blazing
jùn隽隽superior, outstanding, talented
xiù嗅嗅smell, scent, sniff; olfactive
róng熔熔melt, smelt, fuse; mold
yáng佯佯pretend, feign; false, deceitful
jǐn堇堇yellow loam; clay; season; few
rèn韧韧strong and pliable, resilient
lìn躏躏trample down, oppress, overrun
扒扒scratch; dig up; crawl; crouch
雇雇employ, to hire
hān憨憨foolish, silly, coquettish
乩乩to divine
duò舵舵rudder, helm
麓麓foot of hill; foothill
酗酗drunk, to become violent underthe influence of alcohol
戊戊5th heavenly stem
yín寅寅to respect, reverence;respectfully; 3rd terrestrial branch
坝坝embankment; dam
洒洒sprinkle, splash; scatter, throw
kōu抠抠raise, lift up; tight-fisted
媲媲marry off, pair, match; compare
zhǔ瞩瞩watch carefully, stare at, focuson
ān鞍鞍saddle; any saddle-shaped object
fěi诽诽slander, vilify, condemn
miǎn冕冕crown; ceremonial cap
ǎo拗拗to pull, drag, break off, topluck (a flower); bent, warped; perverse, obstinate
zhà榨榨to press or extract juices; apress to extract juices; a vegetable
朴朴simple, honest; plain; rough
zhǒu肘肘the elbow; help a personshoulder a load
wǎng罔罔net; deceive; libel; negative
gāo羔羔lamb, kid
哺哺chew food; feed
cuō撮撮little bit, small amount, pinch
霓霓rainbow; variegated, colored
巳巳the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch
渍渍soak, steep; dye; stains; sodden
chǎn铲铲spade, shovel, trowel, scoop
摹摹trace, copy, duplicate; pattern
mén扪扪stoke, pat, feel by hand, grope
chóu惆惆distressed, regretful, sad
shān搧搧fan; strike on face; stir up
驹驹colt; fleet, swift; sun; surname
róu蹂蹂trample under foot, tread on
xié撷撷pick up, gather up; hold in lap
稽稽examine, investigate; delay
shū纾纾loosen, relax, relieve;extricate
gēng羹羹soup, broth
zhè蔗蔗sugar cane
fǎng纺纺spin, reel, weave; reeled pongee
晔晔bright; radiant; thriving
shuì蜕蜕molt, exuviate, shed
zhǔn隼隼aquiline (nose); a falcon
zhǐ趾趾toe; tracks, footprints
dàn惮惮dread, shrink from, shirk, fear
diào吊吊condole, mourn, pity; hang
huò豁豁open up, clear; exempt
箍箍hoop; bind, surround
tùn褪褪strip, undress; fall off; fade
奚奚where? what? how? why?; servant
guǐ癸癸10th heavenly stem
掳掳capture, seize
咿咿descriptive of creaking; laugh
zhēn臻臻reach, arrive; utmost, superior
渎渎ditch, sluice, gutter, drain
kāng慷慷ardent; generous, magnanimous
mái霾霾misty, foggy; dust storm
tāo叨叨talkative; quarrelous
lóng胧胧condition or appearance of moon
suì邃邃profound, detailed; deep
zhǎo沼沼lake, fishpond, swamps
chóu稠稠dense, crowded, packed; soupy
cāng舱舱hold of ship; cabin
huái淮淮river in Anhui province
yòu柚柚pomelo, grapefruit
xiāo骁骁excellent horse; brave, valiant
pēng抨抨impeach, censure; attack
miē咩咩the bleating of sheep; (Cant.)an interrogative particle
jiā葭葭bulrush, reed; flute, whistle
cén岑岑steep, precipitous; peak
jiā枷枷cangue scaffold
聿聿writing brush, pencil; thereupon
shǔn吮吮suck with mouth, sip, lick
xiāo硝硝saltpeter, niter; > to tan
chòng铳铳ancient weapon, blunderbuss
xuàn绚绚variegated, adorned; brilliant
diān癫癫crazy, mad; madness, mania,insanity
jiǎo绞绞twist, wring; intertwine; winch
áo敖敖ramble, play about; leisurely
làn缆缆hawser, heavy-duty rope, cable
shàn讪讪abuse, slander; vilify; ridicule
chǔ褚褚bag, valise; stuff, pad; surname
pāng滂滂torrential; voluminous
chē砗砗giant clam, tridacna gigas
yǒu酉酉10th terrestrial branch; a winevessel
yān嫣嫣charming, fascinating; gay
chú刍刍mow, cut grass; hay, fodder
蒲蒲type of rush; vine
ān谙谙versed in, fully acquainted with
shī虱虱louse; bug; parasite
tóng僮僮page, boy servant
坷坷clod of earth, lump of soil
玆玆now, here; this; time, year
笆笆bamboo fence
衲衲mend, sew, patch; line; quilt
竽竽ancient woodwind instrument
yǎo杳杳obscure, dark, mysterious, deep
bèi梖梖a palm-tree
姒姒wife of elder brother
yìng賏賏pearls or shells strung together
guī闺闺small entrance; women's quarters
zhōng忪忪quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful
zhè浙浙Zhejiang province; river
kūn鲲鲲spawn; roe; fy
疙疙pimple, sore, boil, wart,pustule
gǎo槁槁wither; withered, rotten, dead
zhēn蓁蓁abundant, luxuriant vegetation
chán馋馋gluttonous, greedy; lewd,lecherous
shēng甡甡abundant, numerous; crowd
jiē喈喈music; melody
lài癞癞leprosy, scabies, mange; shoddy
zhuǎi跩跩to waddle, to limp
zhà咋咋question-forming particle, why?how? what?; to bite; loud
hān酣酣enjoy intoxicants
翌翌bright; daybreak, dawn; the nextday
wàn卍卍swastika fourth of auspicious
gǒng栱栱large peg, stake; post, pillar
è遏遏stop, suppress, curb, check; abar
láo唠唠chat, jaw, gossip, talk
gèn亘亘extend across, through; from
轶轶rush forth; surpass, excel
tuó驮驮carry on back
wàn万万ten thousand; innumerable
qiā掐掐hold; gather with hand; choke
驽驽tired, old horse; old, weak
yǒng蛹蛹chrysalis, larva
阜阜mound; abundant, ample, numerous
骥骥thoroughbred horse; refined and
cuì啐啐to taste, to sip; to spit; the sound of sipping; to surprise
fán樊樊a railing; a fence an enclosed place
yóu猷猷plan, scheme; plan, plot; way
páng雱雱snowing heavily
fèi癈癈abrogate, terminate, discard
戾戾perverse, recalcitrant,rebellious
shī蝨蝨louse; bed bug
bié别别separate, other; do not
淂淂river (obs)
guì匮匮to lack
yíng楹楹column, pillar; numerary adjunct
jué崛崛towering, eminent; rise abruptly
ān氨氨ammonia; hydrogen nitride
咨咨inquire, consult, discuss; plan
jiān菅菅coarse grass, the media for skali
pài湃湃sound of waves; turbulent
nìng泞泞mud; miry, muddy, stagnant
zhàng账账accounts; bill, debt; credit
戟戟halberd with crescent blade
粟粟unhusked millet; grain
jié拮拮laboring hard, occupied; pursue
qiáo谯谯tower; surname
踞踞crouch, squat; sit, occupy
cān骖骖two outside ones in three horse
tǎn忐忐timorous; nervous
kūn焜焜fire, flames; bright, shining
huá骅骅an excellent horse
jiàn溅溅sprinkle, spray; spill, splash
彧彧refined, cultured, polished
zhāng漳漳name of a river in Henan
纰纰spoiled silk; hem of dress;mista
ǎi欸欸sighs; an exclamatory sound
tán坛坛an earthenware jar, a jug
bǎo葆葆reserve, preserve; conceal
yǐng郢郢state in today's Hubei province
guā聒聒clamor, din, hubbub
chǎn剷剷to level off, cut off, paredown, raze
shān跚跚stagger, limp
yàng恙恙illness, sickness; indisposition
犛犛a black ox, a yak
shēng陞陞promote, rise, ascend
驷驷team of four horses
榻榻cot, couch, bed
jiāo姣姣beautiful, handsome, pretty
潞潞river in northern china
zhé谪谪charge, blame; disgrace; demote;punish
mōu哞哞moo (sound made by cow)
堐堐used in place names
chuí锤锤balance weight on scale; hammer
忑忑fearful; nervous; timid
zhuó琢琢polish jade; cut jade
hàn焊焊weld, solder
yán簷簷eaves of house; brim
xiǎng饷饷rations and pay for soldiers
仆仆slave, servant, I
钠钠sodium, natrium; sharpen wood
厘厘manage, control; 1/1000 of afoot
lóu娄娄surname; a constellation; towear
péng篷篷awning, covering; sail; boat
wēi倭倭dwarf; dwarfish, short
kuí揆揆prime minister; to guess,estimate
yān胭胭rouge, cosmetics
遽遽suddenly, unexpectedly; at once
峘峘Small hill higher than adjacent big hill
yāng秧秧rice seedlings, young riceplants
圃圃garden, cultivated field
恻恻feel anguish, feel compassion
tǐng町町raised path between fields
chén宸宸imperial; imperial palace
sōu馊馊spoiled, rotten, stale, rancid
鲈鲈sea perch, sea bass
huáng潢潢expanse of water, lake, pond
妤妤beautiful, fair, handsome
岖岖steep, sheer; rugged, rough
椿chūn椿椿father; a plant with whiteflowers
蟆蟆frog, toad
yàn嚥嚥swallow, gulp
sǒng怂怂to alarm; to instigate, arouse,incite
wǎn琬琬the virtue of a gentleman; jade
xūn醺醺get drunk, be intoxicated
xiāng镶镶insert, inlay, set, mount; fill
bo啵啵(onom.) to bubble
ān庵庵Buddhist monastery or nunnery
逖逖far, distant; keep at distance
míng瞑瞑close eyes
涘涘river bank; water's edge
赂赂bribe; give present
qiáng爿爿half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90
dàn澹澹calm, quiet, tranquil
卤卤saline soil; natural salt, rock
chǔ杵杵pestle; baton used beat clothes
běn苯苯benzene; luxuriant
téng滕滕an ancient state in Shandongp rovince; water bursting forth
shào劭劭encourage; to excel; excellent
sūn荪荪aromatic grass; iris, flower
chōng忡忡a sad, uneasy countenance
bìn殡殡encoffin; embalm; funeral
zǎo枣枣date tree; dates, jujubes;surname
cháng嫦嫦name of a moon goddess
tuō佗佗other, he; surname; a load
záng臧臧good, right, generous; command
xiān掺掺a delicate hand; mix, blend,adulterate
xún峋峋ranges of hills stretching onbeyond another irregular peaks
chí坻坻an islet, a rock in a river; anembankment; to stop
ěr迩迩be near, be close; recently
tūn暾暾morning sun, sunrise
jīn衿衿collar or lapel of garment
阋阋feud, fight, quarrel
tāo饕饕gluttonous, greedy, covetous
xíng钘钘ancient wine vessel
jiǎo皎皎white; bright, brilliant; clear
俎俎chopping board or block; painted
wěi娓娓comply; complying, agreeable
据据to occupy, take possession of; abase
nuò糯糯glutinous rice; glutinous,sticky
xiē褉褉short garments
yín垠垠boundary, bank of stream orriver
邑邑area, district, city, state
chán潺潺sound of flowing water
miǎo缈缈indistinct, dim; minute; distant
yōng佣佣hire, employ, charter; servant
zhǐ沚沚islet in stream; small sandbar
chóu绸绸silk cloth, satin damask
沪沪Shanghai; river near Shanghai
xiáng庠庠village school; teach
cǎi綵綵varicolored silk; variegated
lián濂濂a waterfall; a river in Hunan
袓袓comeliness of the color white
qiú逑逑collect, unite; match, pair
rèn轫轫a block that keeps a wheel frommoving
bèi狈狈a legendary animal with shortforelegs which rode a wolf
捺捺to press down heavily with the fingers
shuān拴拴bind with rope, fasten
yáo傜傜a minority tribe
耆耆man of sixty; aged, old
chì叱叱scold, shout at, bawl out
gān柑柑tangerine, loose-skinned orange
缇缇reddish color, red, brown
yǐng颍颍river in Anhui
méng懵懵stupid, ignorant, dull
tuǒ椭椭oval-shaped, elliptical, tubular
kuì喟喟heave sigh, sigh
贻贻give to, hand down, bequeath
棣棣kerria japonica plant, cherry
wěi猥猥vulgar, low, cheap; wanton;obscene
áo嗷嗷loud clamor; sound of wailing
hōng哄哄coax; beguile, cheat, deceive
yùn熨熨iron, press
gem4咁咁so (Cantonese)
zhā挓挓to open out; to expand
liáng粱粱better varieties of millet
wèng甕甕earthen jar; jar for ashes
dié迭迭repeatedly, frequently
huái槐槐locust tree
tái邰邰surname; state in modern Shanxi
miǎn娩娩give birth child; complaisant
sǒng悚悚afraid, scared, frightened
镴镴solder; tin
榆榆elm tree
ruí蕤蕤drooping leaves; fringe soft,delicate
mǎo冇冇(Cant.) have not
cuì瘁瘁feel tired, be weary, be worn out
zhài寨寨stockade, stronghold, outpost;brothel
kēng铿铿strike, beat, stroke; jingling
shù澍澍timely rain, life-giving rain
bìng摒摒expel, cast off; arrange
yǒu莠莠weeds, tares; undesirable, evil
lái徕徕induce, encourage to come
糸糸silk; KangXi radical 120
悌悌brotherly, respectful
xuǎn烜烜light of the sun; to dry in thesun
sháo勺勺spoon, ladle; unit of volume
è萼萼the stem and calyx of a flower;a younger brother
yǒng涌涌surge up, bubble up, gush forth
rén壬壬9th heavenly stem
píng枰枰smooth board; chessboard; chess
chà诧诧to brag; exaggerated; to wonder at
chuán伝伝summon; propagate, transmit
biāo镳镳bit, bridle; ride
饴饴sweet-meats; sweet-cakes; syrup
fān幡幡pennant, banner, streamer, flag
jiǒng迥迥distant, far; separated;different
shuò铄铄melt, smelt; shine
孚孚brood over eggs; have confidence
kuà胯胯pelvis; groin; thighs
lǒng陇陇mountain located between Shanxi
岌岌perilous, hazardous; high, steep
chái豺豺wolf; cruel, wicked, mean
bèi悖悖be contradictory to, go counter
shū姝姝a beautiful girl
chuí搥搥beat, pound, strike, throw;shampoo
kuáng诳诳deceive, lie, delude, cheat
yān醃醃marinate, pickle; salt
肄肄learn, practice, study; toil
chēng瞠瞠look at, stare at, gaze at
脐脐abdominal area of crab; navel
晡晡late afternoon
suǒ唢唢flute-like musical instrument
liáo獠獠to hunt at night by torches
huī诙诙tease, joke with; ridicule, mock
liáo膫膫the fat covering the intestines;the omentum
līng拎拎to haul; to lift; to take
sāi腮腮lower part of face; jaw; gillsof a fish
róng戎戎arms, armaments; military affair
shuā唰唰(onom.) swishing rustling
léng崚崚hilly, steep, rugged
zhēn榛榛hazelnut; thicket, underbrush
膊膊shoulders, upper arms
嗣嗣to connect, inherit;descendants, heirs
淅淅water used wash rice; to washric
砥砥a whetstone; to polish
zhòu纣纣name of an emperor; saddle part
fāng枋枋sandalwood; tree used as timber
佶佶strong, robust; exact, correct
沽沽buy and sell; inferior inquality
渥渥moisten, soak; great, deep; dye;to enrich
嫡嫡legal wife, child of legal wife
níng狞狞ferocious appearance; hideous
jiān缄缄seal, close; bind; letter
shāng殇殇die young; national mourning
诿wěi诿诿pass buck, lay blame on others
yān蔫蔫withered, faded, decayed; calm
帛帛silks, fabrics; wealth, property
yáo爻爻diagrams for divination
yǒng甬甬path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo
lài籁籁bamboo flute; pipe; varioussound
qín芩芩salt marsh plant
孜孜be as diligent as possible
dài蹛蹛 to surround; to circle
yǒng恿恿instigate, incite; to alarm
玑玑pearl that is not quite round
衙衙public office; officialresidence
jiù鹫鹫condor, vulture
zhì痣痣spots, moles; birthmark
豊豊abundant, lush, bountiful,plenty
xiāng骧骧gallop about with head uplifted
倜倜raise high; unrestrained
zǎn攒攒save, hoard
蹴蹴kick; tread on; leap; solemn
qiāng鎗鎗rifle, small arms, hand gun
lòu镂镂carve, inlay, engrave, tattoo
zhá闸闸sluice; flood gate, canal lock
qiū丘丘hill; elder; empty; a name
孺孺child; blood relation; affection
féi腓腓calf; avoid; be ill; wither
huí洄洄a back-water; an eddy a whirlpool
邸邸official residence, residence of
hào昊昊summer time; sky; heaven
脯脯dried meat; preserved fruits
táng踼踼to fall flat; to fall on the face
huǐ毁毁destroy, ruin, injure; slander
沃沃water, irrigate; fertile, rich
wǎn菀菀luxuriance of growth
yán妍妍beautiful, handsome; seductive
犊犊calf; victim of sacrifice
zhuāi拽拽drag, tow; throw; twist
珂珂inferior kind of jade
牯牯cow; bull; ox
zhōng盅盅small cup or bowl
kuí逵逵thoroughfare, crossroads
挹挹to bale out; to decant liquids
mǐn泯泯destroy, eliminate; perish
huì烩烩ragout, cook, braise
龌龌narrow, small; dirty
锜锜a kind of pen; a kind of chisel
luán銮銮bells hung on horse; bells hung
胳胳armpit, arms
yōng镛镛a large bell used as a musical instrument
diāo叼叼holding in mouth
zhì雉雉pheasant; crenellated wall
hún馄馄dumpling soup, wonton
gěng梗梗stem of flower, branch of plant
猝猝abruptly, suddenly; abrupt
huī麾麾a pennant, flag, banner; tosignal to
谀谀flatter, truckle
yìn胤胤heir, successor; progeny,posterity
biàn卞卞to be impatient, in a hurry;excitable
馥馥fragrance, scent, aroma
chóu俦俦companion, mate, colleague
máo髦髦flowing hair of young child
雎雎osprey, fishhawk; hold back
càn璨璨gems; luster of gems; lustrous
jǐn菫菫celery, aconite
wǎn浣浣to wash, to rinse
xīn炘炘brilliant, shining, bright
nài鼐鼐incense tripod
bài呗呗final particle of assertion pathaka
腑腑bowels, entrails, internalorgans
吁吁interjection 'Alas!'; to sigh
jié桀桀chicken roost; ancient emperor
dié牒牒documents, records; dispatch
zhǒu帚帚broom, broomstick
tán痰痰phlegm, mucus, spittle
ěr洱洱a lake in Yunnan
剌剌slash, cut in two; contradict
jiào窖窖pit, cellar
piào剽剽rob, plunder; slice off; fast
sǒu薮薮marsh, swamp; wild country;clump of trees or bushes
kòu蔻蔻to sieze; usurp
mèi沬沬dusk; Mei river; Zhou dynasty place-name; (Cant.) to go underwater, to dive
驭驭drive, ride; manage, control
huán锾锾measure; money, coins
niǎn辇辇a hand-cart; to transport bycarriage
dōng苳苳Petasites japonicus
zhǔ贮贮store, stockpile, hoard
yín夤夤distant place; remote; deep
妲妲concubine of last ruler of the Shang dynasty
璐璐beautiful variety of jade
huì恚恚anger, rage
wǎn莞莞smiling; a kind of aquatic herb
zhuǐ沝沝(compound element)
阖阖close; whole, entire; all; leaf
dùn炖炖heat with fire; stew
遢遢careless, negligent, slipshod
yún纭纭confused, in disorder; numerous
渤渤swelling; name of a sea gulf
雩雩offer sacrifice for rain
yǎo舀舀dip, ladle; ladle
jiàn涧涧brook, mountain stream
猕猕macacus monkey
kuāng筐筐bamboo basket or chest
diāo碉碉room made of stone; watchtower
ǒu藕藕lotus root
m呣呣interjection, exclamation
gāi垓垓border, boundary, frontier
cuó矬矬a dwarf
duǒ垛垛heap, pile; pile up, heap up
菈菈(compund element)
hóu齁齁snore loudly; very, extremely
qīng氰氰cyanogen; ethane dinitrile
鐽鐽darmstadtium (chemical element)
jiǔ韭韭scallion, leek; radical 179
xiàn馅馅pastry filling, stuffing
lián帘帘a blind, screen, curtain
ruì芮芮tiny, small; water's edge
谒谒visit, pay respects to
菠菠spinach and similar greens
jìn噤噤close; be silent, be unablespeak
suī绥绥soothe, appease, pacify;carriage harness
suō蓑蓑rain coat made of straw, coir,etc.
躄躄cripple, lame
蹼蹼webbed feet of waterfowl
zhūn谆谆patient, earnest; earnestly
zhuō棹棹oar; boat
láng琅琅a variety of white carnelian;pure
hōng焢焢angry appearance (obs)
汨汨Mi(luo) river in Hunan provincewhere Qu Yuan drowned himself; to sink; used (erroneously) for U+6C69汩
níng拧拧pinch; twist, wring; determined
guī鲑鲑salmon; spheroides vermicularis
臾臾moment, instant, short while
chuò啜啜sip, suck up; sob, weep
shàn疝疝hernia, rupture
晤晤have interview with; meet
qiè惬惬be satisfied, be comfortable
fēng捀捀Serve with both hands, offer respectfully.(obs)
bāo苞苞a variety of rush; firm,enduring; to burst forth
yáng烊烊to smelt; to melt
毗毗help, assist; connect, adjoin
xiè绁绁bridle; halter
shū倏倏hastily, suddenly, abruptly
只只only, merely, but
xiāo哮哮cough; pant; roar
miǎo邈邈far, distant, remote; slight
伎伎talent, skill, ability
踽踽to walk alone; self-reliant
杞杞willow; medlar tree; a small feudal state (Qi)
kāo尻尻end of spine; buttocks, sacrum
liàn歛歛draw back, fold back; collect
cóng淙淙gurgling sound of water
quán荃荃aromatic herb; fine cloth
zhōu銂銂golden knife
xiā呷呷suck, swallow, drink
liáo嘹嘹used describe clarity of voice;resonant
麴麴yeast, leaven; surname
糜糜rice gruel, congee; mashed
涪涪river in Sichuan province
旳旳bright (compound)
huāng肓肓region between heart anddiaphragm
fēi绯绯scarlet, dark red, crimson;purpl
guā刮刮to blow
jiàn饯饯farewell party; see off, sendoff
páo庖庖kitchen; cooking, cuisine
pín颦颦frown, knit brows; with knitted
yuān鸢鸢kite; Milvus species (various)
huī煇煇weld, solder
zhào炤炤illumine, light up; reflect
xún荀荀surname; ancient state; plant
duò跺跺stamp feet, step
fěi悱悱to be desirous of speaking
mǐn愍愍pity, sympathize with
luán鸾鸾fabulous bird
lāng啷啷(onom.) bang
亩亩Chinese land measure; fields
ōu讴讴to sing; songs
chuò龊龊narrow, small; dirty
壑壑bed of torrent, narrow ravine
rèn仞仞ancient unit of measure (8feet); 'fathom'
辘辘windlass, pulley, capstan; wheel
愫愫guileless, sincere, honest
jiǎ胛胛the shoulder, shoulder blade
zào灶灶furnace; kitchen range
jiàng绛绛deep red; river in Shanxi province
栩栩species of oak; be glad, be pleased
biǎn匾匾flat, round split-bamboo contain
浬浬nautical mile
sāo臊臊rank; rancid; frowzy, fetid;bashful
tiǎn腼腼timid, shy, bashful
yōng壅壅to obstruct
tān坍坍collapse; landslide
睇睇look at, glance at; stare at
sōu嗖嗖(onom.) whooshing
dāo忉忉grieved; distressed in mind
liè冽冽cold and raw; pure, clear
刈刈cut off, reap, mow; sickle
ruò偌偌thus, so, like, such
蹙蹙urgent, suddenly; grieve, lament
巿巿巿revolve, make circuit, turn
qiàn蒨蒨lush vegetation, luxuriant growth
xún珣珣name of a kind of jade
suí隋隋Sui dynasty; surname
niáng孃孃troubled, oppressed; fat; mother
劾劾examine into, impeach, charge
畦畦sections in vegetable farm
biǎo裱裱to mount maps or scrolls topaste
shèn蜃蜃marine monster which can change its shape; water spouts; clams
shù戍戍defend borders, guard frontiers
bàng蚌蚌oysters, mussels;mother-of-pearl
yāo吆吆bawl, yell, shout, cry out
xiàn羡羡envy, admire; praise; covet
毘毘help, assist; connect, adjoin
兀兀duplicate of Big Five A461
jìn靳靳strap on a horse's breast
chuàn钏钏bracelet, armlet
殁殁die; death; dead
liáo潦潦to flood; a puddle; without care
伕伕common laborer
钵钵earthenware basin; alms bowl(Sanskrit paatra)
mán蹒蹒to jump over; to limp
佚佚indulge in pleasures; flee
cōng囱囱chimney, funnel
柒柒number seven
yīng嘤嘤seek friends; also used innames; the call of a bird
chāng娼娼prostitute, harlot
趺趺sit cross-legged; back of the foo
wǎn脕脕(component element)
徛徛to cross over
xiū脩脩dried meat (used as teacherspayment in ancient times)
jué倔倔stubborn, obstinate,intransigent; firm
砾砾gravel, pebbles, potsherds
唏唏weep or sob; grieve
niè臬臬law, rule; door post
méi黴黴mold, mildew; bacteria, fungi
qìng罄罄exhaust, run out, use up; empty
niàn碾碾roller, crush; roll
měng艋艋small boat
kàn瞰瞰watch, spy; overlook; look down
邬邬various place names; surname;transliteration of Sanskrit 'u'
huáng蝗蝗kind of locust
chè掣掣drag, pull; hinder by pullingback
yǎn魇魇nightmare, bad dreams
钨钨tungsten, wolfram
huá譁譁noise, uproar; clamor, hubbub
liáo缭缭wind round, rap around, bind
diàn钿钿hairpin; gold inlaid work,filigree
zāo糟糟sediment, dregs; pickle
xìng悻悻anger, vexation; angry,indignant
qiào撬撬lift, raise; pry open
zhē螫螫poison; sting; poisonous insect
zào噪噪be noisy; chirp loudly
唧唧chirping of insects; pump;(Cant.) a final particle
mǎn矕矕to see, witness, inspect
觑觑peep at; watch, spy on
chǐ哆哆tremble, shiver, shudder, quiver
luó箩箩bamboo basket
kuài脍脍minced meat or fish
窠窠nest; hole, indention; den
lín粼粼clear (as of water)
薏薏seed of job's tears; lotus seed
jié孑孑remaining, left-over; lonely
duò踱踱stroll, pace, walk slowly
氐氐name of an ancient tribe
浯浯proper name of river
á嗄嗄hoarse of voice
tiǎn腆腆prosperous; good; protruding
jìng痉痉convulsions, fits
hǎi烸烸dry; parched; arid
gàn赣赣Jiangxi province; places therein
kāi揩揩rub and wipe, dust, clean
谧谧calm, quiet, still; cautious
qiān芊芊exuberant and vigorous foliage
fǎng舫舫fancy boat, yacht
zǎn昝昝a dual pronoun, I, you and me,we two
piē瘪瘪shrivelled up, dried up; vexed
niè蹑蹑tread, step on; follow, track
shǎng晌晌noon, midday; moment; unit landmeasurement equal to seven mou (U+755D 畝), or the area that can besown in one day
yòu鼬鼬weasel, mustela itatis
duǒ埵埵hardened dirt or clay; cluster
shēng甥甥sister's child
pīng乒乒used with pong for ping pong
zhǔ拄拄lean on; post; prod; ridicule
guì刽刽amputate, cut off
yíng荧荧shine, shimmer; shining,dazzling
pīng娉娉beautiful, attractive, charming,graceful
zhēng狰狰fierce-looking, ferocious
niǎn捻捻to twist or nip with the fingers
谟谟scheme, plan; plan; be without
跶跶stumble, slip
chú锄锄hoe; eradicate
 謢謢to protect
閤閤small side door; chamber
陛陛steps leading throne; throne
屹屹to rise high; to stand erect
诎诎bend, stoop, crouch; to yield
gěng哽哽choke (with grief)
wān蜿蜿creep, crawl
拺拺to whip; support
páng逄逄a surname
xuè趐趐(obs) to enter, to fly
shān姗姗slander; ridicule; proceedslowly
jué獗獗unruly, wild, violent, lawless
yīn愔愔comfortable, contented, peaceful
tǎng帑帑a treasury; public funds
liè捩捩twist with hands; snap, tear
jué蹶蹶stumble, fall down; trample
tóng硐硐cave' pit
kuài桧桧Chinese cypress, Chinese juniper
zhěn稹稹to accumulate; fine and close
hān鼾鼾snore loudly
líng淩淩pass over, cross, traverse
chuí陲陲frontier, border
hān顸顸large face, flat face; stupid
窿lóng窿窿mine shaft; cavity, hole
zhí桎桎fetters, shackles, handcuffs
箇箇numerary adjunct, piece; single
wěn刎刎behead, cut throat
ái呆呆dull; dull-minded, simple,stupid
xiè榭榭kiosk, pavilion
ruǎn蠕蠕eumenes polifomis, kind of wasp
砺砺whetstone; sharpen
gěng埂埂ditches for irrigation; hole
jiāo蛟蛟scaly dragon with four legs
tóng迵迵slander gain
zhēn桢桢hardwood; supports, posts
gāng罡罡the name of a certain stars; thegod who is supposed to live in them
匝匝full circle; encircle
hào颢颢luminous; white, hoary
hāng夯夯heavy load, burden; lift up
yuán圜圜circle, surround; encircle
pang乓乓used with ping for ping pong
rèn赁赁rent, hire; hired person
jiàn谏谏remonstrate, admonish
cái纔纔talent, ability; just, only
弭弭stop, desist, end, quell
bào刨刨carpenter's plane; plane, level
fèng俸俸wages, salary, official emolument
jiǎo筊筊bamboo rope; bamboo object used
烨烨bright, glorious, splendid,flame
qiáng彊彊stubborn, uncompromising
弼弼aid, assist, help; correct
quán筌筌bamboo fish trap
huáng磺磺sulphur; brimstone
kǔn捆捆tie up; bind, truss up; bundle
蹊蹊footpath, trail; track
pán磐磐large rock, boulder; firm
kǔn壸壸palace corridor or passageway
rěn荏荏beans; soft, pliable; herb
zhà咤咤shout, roar, bellow; scold
xuān谖谖forget; lie, cheat, deceive
kǎn崁崁a place in Taiwan Tainan
jìng胫胫shinbone; calf of leg
yāng泱泱great, expansive; agitated
dàng宕宕stone quarry; cave dwelling
guī珪珪a jade table conferred uponfeudal princes by the emperor as a symbol of dignity and authority
洼洼hollow; pit; depression; swamp
chóu椆椆species of tree resistant to cold weather
qiàn嵌嵌inlay, set in; fall into; rugged
揶揶make fun of, ridicule
shuān栓栓wooden peg, post or stick
liǎo蓼蓼smartweed, polygonum
zhǒng踵踵heel; follow; visit, call on
赀赀property; wealth; to count
qiū鞦鞦leather stap; swing
屄屄the vagina
觎觎desire strongly, covet, long for
jiǎ钾钾potassium kalium
róng茸茸soft, downy; buds, sprouts
diāo雕雕engrave, inlay, carve; exhaust;used for U+9D70 鵰 an eagle, vulture
chí弛弛loosen, relax, unstring a bow
guó掴掴box one's ears, slap
yào药药orris root; leaf of the iris;medicine
shèng賸賸leftovers, residue, remains
扈扈escort, retinue; insolent
yìng滢滢clear, pure water; lucid; glossy
cuì淬淬temper; dye; soak; change, alter
jiè玠玠large jade tablet used byofficials at court to indicate their ranks
贲贲forge ahead; energetic; surname
鹬鹬snipe, kingfisher; Tringaspecies (various)
yóu蝣蝣mayfly, emphemera strigata
zhēng钲钲kind of gong used in ancienttimes by troops on the march
kǔn綑綑coil, roll, bundle, tie up
跻跻ascend, go up, rise
shān潸潸weep; tears flowing
瘐瘐to die in prison from cold andhunger; to treat with cruelty
dīng玎玎jingling, tinkling
chuò辍辍stop, suspend, halt
zhèn赈赈relieve, aid distressed; rich
ái捱捱put off, procrastinate; endure
鸲鸲mynah; Erithacus species(various)
shòu狩狩winter hunting; imperial tour
骼骼bone; skeleton; corpse
昃昃afternoon; the sun in theafternoon sky; to decline
掬掬to grasp or hold with both hands
yín婬婬obscene, licentious, lewd
yùn酝酝liquor, spirits, wine; ferment
yòu囿囿pen up; limit, constrain
祀祀to sacrifice, worship
ào坳坳a hollow in the ground, acavity, depression; undulating, depressed
chēn琛琛treasure, valuables
biāo滮滮flow; (Cant.) to ooze; to spurt
sēn蔘蔘ginseng; huge
qián箝箝tweezers, pliers, tongs, pincers
tún饨饨stuffed dumplings
hàn菡菡buds, lotus buds
zhuī隹隹bird; KangXi radical 172
畀畀to give
wèi渭渭name of a river in Shanxi
xiè楔楔wedge; gatepost; foreword
qiǎn缱缱attached to, inseparable;entangled
诒诒bequeath, pass on to futuregenerations
zhī胝胝callous, corn
shěn婶婶wife of father's younger brother
zhà搾搾to crush with the hand, press,squeeze, extract
擘擘thumb; break, tear open, rip
yùn愠愠angry, indignant, resentful
觊觊covet, long for, desire
biàn釆釆distinguish; KangXi radical 165
zǎi崽崽a child, a servant; a diminutive
rěn稔稔ripe grain; harvest; to know, befamiliar with
沓沓connected, joined; repeated
褛褛lapel, collar; tattered,threadbare
gǔn衮衮ceremonial dress worn by theemperor
wéi帷帷tent; curtain, screen
dia3嗲嗲(Cant.) saliva; intensifyingparticle; inviting, coquettish; 嗲哋. 'daddy'
yǎn鼹鼹a kind of insectivorous rodent
nài柰柰crab-apple tree; endure, bear
qiōng芎芎a kind of herb
áo鏖鏖to fight to the end, engage in afierce battle
埤埤add, increase, attach; low fence
wēi崴崴high, lofty; precipitous
xíng邢邢surname; state in today's Hebei
háo濠濠moat, trench, ditch
呓呓talk in one's sleep, somniloquy
piǎo缥缥light blue silk; dim; misty
忒忒excessive; too; very-usually ofobjectionable things; to err; to mistake; changeable
骛骛gallop; rush about; pursue, run
揄揄lift, raise; praise; hang; flap
lván挛挛tangled; entwined; crooked
yǎn偃偃cease, lay off, lay down
jiāng缰缰reins, halter; bridle
闾闾village of twenty-five families
cuò锉锉carpenter's file, file smooth
tōng恫恫in pain, sorrowful
yán筵筵bamboo mat; feast, banquet
鸪鸪species of Taiwan pigeon
mǎng蟒蟒python, boa constrictor
kāng糠糠chaff, bran, husks; poor
gàn淦淦river in Jiangxi province; waterleaking into a boat
礴礴fill, extend
yīn湮湮bury, sink, block up; stain
亳亳name of district in Anhui;capital of Yin
涤涤wash, cleanse, purify; sweep
màn幔幔curtain, screen, tent
琥琥jewel in shape of tiger; amber
宓宓quiet, silent; in good health
轧轧crush by weight; grind
zàn瓒瓒ceremonial libation cup
diān槙槙a twig; an ornamental evergreen
shǎn陕陕mountain pass; Shaanxi province
tiǎn忝忝disgraced; ashamed;self-deprecating
sōng崧崧high mountain; lofty, eminent
zōu诌诌play with words, quip; talknonse
kài忾忾anger, wrath, hatred, enmity
飒飒the sound of the wind; bleak;melancholy
áo鳌鳌huge sea turtle
dié喋喋nag; chatter, babble, twitter
diàn玷玷flaw in gem; flaw in character
舶舶large, ocean-going vessel
chán谗谗slander, defame, misrepresent
箕箕sieve; dust pan, garbage bag
huán鬟鬟dress hair in coiled knot; maid
dūn墩墩heap, mound, block of stone
哒哒sound made to get a horse tomove forward
lǒu篓篓bamboo basket
liàng晾晾air-dry; sun-dry
jīng旌旌banner or flag adorned withfeathers; to signal
幄幄tent; mosquito net
濡濡immerse, moisten; wet, damp
翳翳shade, screen; to hide, screen
huá猾猾crafty, cunning, shrewd;deceitful
fén棻棻kind of wood from which perfume
阂阂blocked or separated; to prevent
diàn靛靛indigo; any blue dye
dāng铛铛frying pan; warming vessel
huàn宦宦officialdom, government official
hān唅唅a sound; to put in the mouth;(Cant.) to grunt, grumble
è轭轭yoke, collar; to restrain
diāo鲷鲷pagrosomus major, porgy
háo壕壕trench, ditch, channel, moat
nìng佞佞flattery; glib
褟褟inner shirt or singlet
sǒu叟叟old man; elder
qiāng羌羌Qiang nationality; surname
tuán团团sphere, ball, circle; mass, lump
lvè撂撂put down, put aside; drop
yuán沅沅name of a river in western Hunanthat flows into Dongting lake
guǎng犷犷fierce, rude, uncivilized
yáng疡疡ulcers, sores; infection
讫讫finish; conclude, stop; exhaust
啬啬miserly, thrifty, stingy;stopped up, constipated
xún洵洵true, real, truly, really
dān眈眈gloat, stare at; to delay, toloiter, to hinder
dìng锭锭spindle, slab, cake, tablet
yáo肴肴prepared meat; food
髻髻hair rolled up in a bun, topknot
豨豨pig, hog
cuò齰齰to bite
dùn囤囤grain basket, bin for grain
pián胼胼callus, calluses
dāng裆裆crotch or seat of pants; pants
jué蕨蕨pteris aquilina, common bracken
砝砝balance weights
cén涔涔river in Shaanxi; murky torrent
愎愎obstinate, stubborn, headstrong
dīng仃仃lonely, solitary
jià稼稼sow grain; sheaves of grain
qián黔黔black; Guizhou
méi嵋嵋Omei mountain in Sichuan
áng昂昂rise, raise; proud, bold;upright
nǎo瑙瑙agate; cornelian
涸涸dried up; exhausted, tired; dry
稷稷god of cereals; minister ofagriculture
ē婀婀be beautiful, be graceful
cǔn忖忖guess, suppose, conjecture
chān搀搀to give a helping hand; tosupport, hold up
huì荟荟luxuriant, flourishing, abundant
梏梏handcuffs, manacles, fetters
妩妩charming, enchanting
zhēn箴箴needle, probe; admon
zuǎn纂纂edit, compile; topknot, chignon
quǎn绻绻affectionate, solicitous
堀堀cave, hole
tuān湍湍rapid water current, rapids
zhuō倬倬noticeable, large; clear,distinct
yuán爰爰lead on to; therefore, then
chéng晟晟clear, bright; splendor,brightness
hàn颔颔chin, jowl; give nod
hóng纮纮string; vast, expansive
shā痧痧cholera; colic
láng锒锒lock lanthanum
qiāng戕戕kill, slay; wound, injure, hurt
diāo琱琱engrave, inlay, carve; exhaust
juàn绢绢kind of thick stiff silk
嗝嗝cackling of fowls to gag, tovomit
bǎo褓褓swaddling cloth; infancy
寤寤few, scarce; empty, deserted
bāng梆梆watchman's rattle
wěi鲔鲔kind of sturgeon, tuna
晞晞dry, expose sun; dawn
锢锢run metal into cracks; confine
luò珞珞kind of necklace
duò剁剁chop by pounding, mince, hash
蚜蚜plant louse, aphids
shè慑慑afraid, scared, fearful
dēng豋豋ceremonial vessel
jiē嗟嗟sigh, alas
wèn揾揾wipe off; press down withknuckle; to immerse; (Cant.) to search, look for
lóng泷泷raining; wet; soaked; a river inGuangdong
倨倨arrogant, haughty, rude
zhēng诤诤to expostulate; to remonstrate
míng暝暝dark, obscure
kān戡戡subjugate, subdue, quell; kill
guó帼帼women's headgear; mourning cap
迤迤wind; walk out of straight path
牴牴gore, butt; resist
lián琏琏a vessel used hold grainofferings
bìn膑膑the kneecap
mǎo昴昴one of the 28 constellations
jǐng儆儆warn; warning
诩诩boast, brag; popular, wellknown; to flatter
xǐng擤擤to blow the nose with fingers
zhuàn篆篆seal script; seal, officialstamp
wán纨纨white silk, fine silk; gauze
jué攫攫snatch away, seize; catch with
xīn忻忻delightful, joyful, pleasant
睨睨look askance at, glare at;squint
囍囍double happiness
dèng蹬蹬step on, tread on; lose energy
ōu瓯瓯bowl, cup; small tray
zuò祚祚throne; bless; blessing,happiness
诋诋slander, condemn, reproach
蜉蜉mayfly; kind of large insect
yīng缨缨a chin strap, tassel; to annoy,bother
pián骈骈team of horses; associate, join
duì怼怼hate, abhor; hatred, resentment
婢婢servant girl; your servant
biǎn褊褊cramped, narrow, crowded; mean
bàng镑镑pound sterling
霁霁to clear up after rain; to ceasebe angry
xūn熏熏smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure
láng琅琅a variety of white carnelian;pure
俚俚rustic, vulgar, unpolished; mean
xūn熏熏smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure
恪恪respectful, reverent
chì啻啻only, merely; just like; stop at
shāo捎捎to select; to take; to carry
luǒ鎯鎯large hammer
mǐn皿皿shallow container; rad. no. 108
pèng踫踫collide, bump into
xuān暄暄warm, comfortable; warm, genial
biàn弁弁conical cap worn during Zhou dynasty
zhú躅躅walk carefully; hesitate, falter
xián啣啣hold in mouth; harbor, cherish
chī吃吃eat; drink; suffer, endure, bear
kūn锟锟ancient treasured sword
yòu宥宥forgive, pardon, indulge
shuò芍芍peony; water chestnuts
chéng埕埕a large, pear-shaped earthenwarejar
huàn涣涣scatter; scattered, dispersed
zhuó擢擢pull up, draw up; select
pēng怦怦eager, ardent, impulsive;anxious
dùn盹盹to doze; to nap; to nod
bìn傧傧entertain guests
tīng听听hear, listen; understand; obey
shí鲥鲥reeves' shad; hilsa herring
yáng旸旸rising sun; sunshine
bèng迸迸gush out; burst forth; split
斡斡revolve, rotate, turn
釜釜cauldron, pot, kettle
痍痍wound, bruise, sore
zhí踯踯waver, hesitate, be irresolute
niǔ忸忸blush, be bashful, be ashamed
suō簑簑a coat raincoat
zhì轾轾low rear portion of cart